Chapter 5

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//hello guys, finally doing this :D also while writing today I was listening to Sakura Letter by Kurofune. SEARCH IT UP ITS GOOD

When we went back to our room we didn't say anything else. I sat down into my seat, and turned to talk to Daiki, but our teacher started our lesson. Class went by fairly normal, me looking outside at the trees, constantly replaying the scene at the trees over in my mind.

The bell for next class rang, this class was a choice class. We were able to pick a class out of an assortment, I chose photography. Unfortunately I didn't have a class with Daiki, I think he takes home Ec. I sit near the front of the class room, with my decent camera on my desk. Currently I was saving for a new one, but it would be awhile since cameras are expensive. The class went by fairly smoothly, and I had finished all the assignments before the class offically ended. Since the class was our last period we had 5 extra minutes for the Daily announcements. A good friend of mine moved towards where I sat.

"What did you and Daiki do during lunch today?"

I froze up, and looked away, "We were just talking."

"Right, I don't believe you."

I sighed, "Then what do you think we were doing?"

"Kissing." She cupped her hands, and made a kissy face. Luckily her eyes were closed, because she would have seen me blushing from embarrassment.

"Your crazy." I said, giving her a playful shove.

"Damn, I was really hoping you were."


She leaned back in her chair, and said, "I mean, I just can't help but ship you two."

"That's stupid, and it's impossible cause the shoko hasn't connected." It hurt to say that.

"Leave me be! I'll ship who I want."

"Fine." I said while laughing. It was practically impossible not to laugh when she's around. My laughing stopped, and I asked her, "Shizinu, what if I don't find my love?"

She perked her head up, "What do you mean?"

"There are thousands of people in the world, I mean I can't meet everyone, and what if that person is one that i'm not able to meet."

Now she sat all the way up, "Don't be silly." She said while shooting me a reassuring look.

"Speaking of which, how's Mai?"

"She's doing good?"

Shizinu and Mai's shoko connected around 6 months ago. Every now and again I have her tell me the moment when it happened, I loved hearing her story.

She pulled out a collage ruled notebook, and started writing.

"Whatcha writing about?"

"You'd be a little mad if you knew."


She didn't say anything, instead she just handed me the notebook. It read, Daiki leaned over towards Licht, staring at her lovingly. And which he said, "Baby your my forever girl.", and they kissed each other tenderly. By that time my face was red. I turned to her and said, "What's this?"

"It's a Licht and Daiki fanfiction!"

I placed the notebook on the desk, and put my hands on my face, trying to lose the red on my face.

"It's limited edition!"

The bell for class rang, and Daiki walked in. He had obviously been waiting. When he walked over towards my desk he said, "What's limited edition?"

Table For Two// nishiyukiWhere stories live. Discover now