Chapter 18

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// not the best idea but you know, listened to Hamilton during this

Daiki P.O.V

I sat down into the driver seat of the old red car, it wasn't my best idea to try and drive, but since I would be doing this solo I would have to drive myself there.

"Don't leave without me Yuu"

I unlocked the car and smiled as Kuzino sat down in the passenger seat.

"So, you decided to join me?"

"I wasn't going to let you go solo against Omi, and whoever else is there"

"Fair point"

I backed out of the driveway knowing my grandpa could get them back in orderly condition, and I knew he could take care of Hise, and Aiko

"So, got any ideas on where he could be?"

Kuzino pulled up her phone and read me an address

"How did you know that?"

"Well, I knew he lived with Akihro, you know that old millionaire who lives by the capital?"

I nodded and took what I assumed was the fasted route to the mansion, "So we at least know that there is Omi, and Akihro there, how many bodyguards do you expect to be there?"

"I'm going to assume that there will be roughly 10 surrounding outside, and maybe about 20 on the inside"

I paused before saying, " How do you know this?"

She laughed, "Well, i've got experience living with bodyguards in a mansion, you know since my dad is the upcoming mayor here"

"That makes sense" I turned into the fancy neighborhood, all the houses had beautiful exterior and they were at least 3 stories tall. I drove to the end of the block, it was leading into a huge white house with gold trim, it screamed royalty in a sort of way.

I parked the car a few houses away so it wouldn't grab the attention of the guards outside

"How are we going to get in?"

"We'll play it by year, i'm thinking we can get through the basement doors behind the house"

"Okay, when we get closer i'll make a distraction"

We snuck closer to the house trying not to make a sound, once we were about 15 ft away I picked up a rock and threw it in the opposite direction

The guards bought it, they all went closer to the sound, they left their position

We ran to the back of the house, and spotted the basement cellar doors

"Shit they've got a lock on here"

"Shoot it?"

"No, too much noise, got any other ideas"

Kuzino pulled a bobby pin out of her hair and knelt down to pick the lock, I watched her struggle with the lock

"Come on Kuz, we don't have much time"

I could hear the footsteps coming to back, and they were fast.

"Damnit buy me some time Daiki"

"Got it"

I picked up another rock and threw it as hard as I could towards the front of the house.

They turned around, and I could hear them chatting with each other, saying 'it's probably just a raccoon'

"Kuz I can't do this for much longer"

Table For Two// nishiyukiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora