Chapter 31

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// hey my dudes sorry I haven't updated in who knows how long but i've been busy with school obviously and i'll be busier because of exams coming up in less than two weeks but hey here we are. uh I hope y'all aren't tired of my uploading schedule cause I know I would be if I were you, but thankfully you are not me. let's start~

Kuzino P.O.V

We entered a room with white walls and a conference table in the middle. It was decorated with little plants all along the sides of the walls and a hanging flower in one of the corners. Akihro sat down in the chair at the head of the table. I stood near Licht and Daiki as they stopped near the middle of the table, Omi stood quietly next to Akirho.

"Take a seat, this could take a while" said Akihro as he picked up a yellow folder from the edge of the table.

Once all seated and comfortable he spoke again, "You guys are here due to us needing help from Licht Yamata"

Omi placed his hand on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

He cleared his throat, "But I guess I will start with why you are here to help us and what you are helping" He paused and spoke again, "You are currently in HQS which is short for Headquarters Snuki. We are the head base of a group of people called Creators, we are in charge of shokos or at least the distribution of them." He points towards a portrait of a woman with blue hair on the wall, "That is Misako, the original Creator. She made the world supply of the shoko and only left a coded list on how to make them. Unfortunately we are only the last of it, we have about 6 months until the next and possible last distribution of them. Your friend here is a distant relative of Misako, and we believe she can decode the list."

Licht sighed, and spoke up, "I still don't see why you had to kidnap me and fake my mother's death for this all to happen"

"It's a cover, government gets picky about these things going on"


Akihro shook his head, "We must obtain balance between good and bad. We deal with the criminals and other humans who are causing trouble, in return we must cause some fake caos to distract the government"

I said something finally, "So are we just going to ignore the people who invaded my parents ball, and speaking about them what will my parents think if i'm cooperating with an underground grouping against the government"

"We will not talk about grimms at this sitting"

"And why not? There is an entire grouping who wants to kill us and we are going to pretend like they don't exist?"

"Kuz-" Omi started but was cut off by Akihro holding his hand up

He leaned towards me and fixed the glasses on his face, "Kuzino Futeuma, 17, daughter of Emiko and ____, sister of Fieren. Supposed aire of the governor, predicted billionaire by the age of 24. Possible girlfriend of my son, and best friend of the relative of Misako." He paused as Omi put his hand on his shoulder and mouthed the word stop. "I have looked into you and the medical records. You would make an excellent second"

I scoffed and sat back into my chair, "You want me to be your second? Sorry but I don't want to do paper work"

He smiled, "Hand to hand combat, work with AK47s. Partners with Omi, I figured you would make an excellent agent. You've gotten straight A's since you entered middle school, scored high on seperate IQ tests."

"Yeah and nearly get killed" I muttered under my breath.

Daiki had heard me and shot over a concerned look that told me to calm down.

Licht took over the conversation from then on, "Going back, what if i don't agree?"

Akihro smiled and asked Omi to explain.

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