Chapter 26

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// yeet i'm typing this while watching a barbie movie don't judge, when you get bored you get desperate. So yeah, for anyone wondering it's the charm school one. tbh i'll probably get distracted when i'm doing this but whatever i'll get it done. UHGSIDUH I'VE BEEN DISTRACTED FOR LIKE 5 AGES JUST WATCHING THIS MOVIE UGHHH I'M 52 MINUTES IN AND I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING YET. okay i'm finally going to start this now ;-;

// so hello, i'm currently writing this when i am infuriated. I legit cannot describe how mad i am, like i don't think i've ever been this mad in my life that i can remember. Like it's that dry anger that like your heart is pounding and if someone gets in your way, you'll destroy them. Anyways why i'm choosing to type this now is to hopefully calm myself down. I already vented to someone about it and then the same person is still pissing me off. Im just going to bang my head against the wall repeatedly. Also if you are feeling angry i recommend the song riot by three days grace or i hate everything about you also by three days grace.

Sorry if this goes up late, im not lying on how angry i am rn

Also if you notice the first "//" is from like 2 weeks ago and then the second one is from today, uh so hopefully you don't get too confused by that but anyways let's start this

Daiki P.O.V
It was only an hour or two after we arrived home from our trip to the clothing store when Licht and Kuzino got home. Kuzino would only be here for a little while before she had to go back home to open up the dance with her parents and older brother who i'd never heard of before. When they showed up Hise and I were in the middle of a super smash bros round, so they ended up rooting for either one of us. Unlucky for me they both were on Hise's side, and she ended up winning.

"You must be the lucky charm for winning at life" I said to both of them, but to mostly Licht. She smiled at me and nodded. She moved over to where I was and sat down.

She paused before holding open her hand for me to offer her the controller, "Me vs. You, Kuzino?"

Kuzino was looking at her phone, she seemed pretty distracted.

"Kuzino?" I tried to get her attention.

Her eyes darted up to me, "I'm sorry, what?"

Licht laughed, "It's fine, I was just asking if you wanted to play a match."

She awkwardly smiled, "I mean i'd love to but i've got to get home. My parents want me to play the piano at the opening of the event I guess. They want me to play it for them before it actually happens to make sure I don't mess it up or something." She paused, "Sorry"

Licht stood up and walked back over to her, "It's okay" She smiled and pulled Kuz into a hug, "Do you still want me to come over earlier to get ready with you or no?"

"Sure, you can just go over with me now if that's easier for you. It'll save us travel time"

"Ah okay, let me just grab some things from my room."

I stood up to follow Licht into her room, I wanted just to talk to her alone for a minute.  When I made it into her room she was at her dresser and packing somethings into a smaller bag. I walked over behind her and hugged her behind the back, then I rested my head on her shoulder.

I sighed before speaking, "I've missed you"

She laughed and placed her hands on mine, "I was only gone for like less than a day"

I could feel her relax into my arms. I lifted my head up and kissed her head, "That's too long though. I need to be with you, like, all the time" I laughed when I finished the sentence.

She turned around to face me, and then she looked me in the eyes. Her hand danced up my chest and onto my cheek, "I'm all yours, and you know that"

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