Chapter 19

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// OMG GUYS HAVE YOU EVEN SEEN THE NEW MOVIE THING FOR WATTPAD???? omg the cupids match one had me SHOOK... anyways let's start this back up, oh and some hints i'll be dropping a new story soon, it's (hopefully) going to be good. Oh and I apologize for not updating recently!! While typing this chapter i'm listening to It Girl, alrightly let's go~~

Kuzino P.O.V

I entered a room left to the dinning room we were just in. Daiki sat in the dinning room to keep an eye on Licht and the bodyguards. I was fine with him keeping watch over her, he wouldn't let anyone touch her in a million years.

"What's the game redhead?"

He looked at me from across the room, his eyes didn't show any hatred, instead they showed interest.

He looked lost, so I persisted, "Are we playing or not, redhead?"

He shook his head and turned around to a cabinet. I could hear a few things fall over before he turned back around to me. A smile crept onto his face as he held put two 8 ball poles, and said, "You ready?"

I smiled and nodded back, "I'm ready to beat your ass" 

We walked over to the pool table, I grabbed the triangle setter from off the wall.


His back was facing towards me, I could see his muscles through the white button up he was wearing. He had a quite nice build, the right amount of everything. He ran his hand through his hair when he responded to me, he told me that a triangle would be fine.

I stopped staring at him, and placed the triangle on the table.

He turned around and placed them in the correct order, to which I was surprised. I thought they were placed randomly

"I didn't know there was a certain order to put them in"

He laughed, and I swear it made me want to forget every bad thing he did. 

"So redhead, who taught you that?"

I was curious, and I wanted to get that damn laugh out of my head.

"My grandfather taught me how to, I was like 9 or something. It took me awhile to remember how to do it though. Plus he has a different order when we play together, I haven't figured out the order yet because he won't let me watch him place them."

He leaned against the wall and ran his hand through his hair again, "Must be a little good luck charm or something for him, I can't beat him"

The smile on his face when he was talking about his grandfather was so pure, my mind rambled as I thought. How could something so pure, become this evil?

"So, shall I start my way to victory?" I said, moving towards the table

"More like your way towards loss, your not going to beat me"

"Hah, your underestimating me"

"And so, that means your underestimating me as well, doesn't it?"

I looked at him, his face was completely serious, no sign of joking on his face.

He said something, his voice monotone, "I am much more than you think"

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