Chapter 27

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// hey boos, we back again doing this. I'm hella tired but that's besides the point. ANYWHO IM SUPER EXCITED TO WRITE THIS PART BUT YALL MY SHOULDERS ARE ACHING SO LET'S SEE HOW MUCH I CAN DO TONIGHT. Let's go booooooyyyyyyssssssssss :)

Omi P.O.V

A familiar voice spoke behind me and their hand touched my shoulder

"Haven't seen you here in awhile.. where have you been?"

I turned around and smiled at my friend from my schooling here, "Tamiko, how've you been?"

She playfully punched my shoulder and pulled me into a hug, "Answer me first"

I laughed, "I've been away on private missions at a public high school"

"Ew, public school"

I chuckled, "Mhm, so... how've you been"

She sighed and looked up at me, "It's been boring since you're on private missions, and you know since we are partners I can't go on super exciting missions" She paused and crossed her arms, "I've only got to do like informational missions and things with the new members"

"Ah really?" I looked at her new hair color that I didn't realize before, I touched it and spoke to her, "New color?"

She smiled brightly at me, "Mhm, I didn't really enjoy the old color" She shivered jokingly, "But i much more enjoy this dusty pink color"

"It's gonna have to change for tonight though" I handed her the paper including the details about our mission tonight at the dance, "I'm thinking about going blonde for tonight, do you think that will look good?"

She didn't respond to me at first, she seemed caught up in the information.

I flicked her arm and said, "Tamiko?"

"Huh?" Her head flicked up at me, "I'm sorry I didn't hear you, the information listed about the people we are supposed to bring back, I don't recognize this name" She pointed at the section in which if we had to bring people back like members on away missions.

"What do you mean?" I peered over at the part she was pointing at and my eyes widened. It read; Please bring back Kuzino Futeuma to the Headquarters and then we are transferring her to another section once she is debriefed, please bring back unharmed. I took the paper out of her hands and stormed off to Akihro in his office in the main section of the Headquarters.

Tamiko caught up behind me and followed me, "Who is the person?" I didn't answer her and kept on walking, but apparently she didn't like that, so she dragged onto my arm, "Omi~"

He walked out of his office the same time we arrived, he peaked around and saw Tamiko on my arm, "Is there a matter with the mission information sheet?"

I pointed out the section about Kuzino to him, and Tamiko spoke, "Who is that?"

Akihro smirked and looked me in the eyes then went to Tamiko and tapped her shoulder while passing by, "Nothing to worry about, just a girl Omi had met during the missions. Just do as the sheet says, and our ride is leaving in an hour" He walked away and met my eyes again as I took a deep breath knowing I was going to explain it to her.

She leaned against a wall and looked at me while fixing the end of her sleeve. It felt like she was looking into my soul, it made me uncomfortable, so I spoke instead, "So.. do you need to pack or anything?"

She stared blankly at me and said, "No need, we are getting this done tonight."

"Oh?" I paused and her eyes were screaming angry, "Is something upsetting you?"

She smiled, but it seemed forced, "No, I am fine"

I was going to say something more but she walked away in the opposite direction, I sighed and said, "Oh, okay then" to myself. Then I headed to my room back at the base where I hadn't been in around 6 months, and it felt really nostalgic even though it hadn't been to long. My room was fairly basic, I mean it was white and I had a purple bed. Which I guess guys around here didn't have, they all had either black or grey beds, but purple was my favorite color and so it was my bed color. I laughed and looked around at my old things, all my stuff at the mansion in town was all newer and didn't look worn out like this stuff had. My walls had photos from here posted all over and the one in the center was one of me and Tamiko at a firework show 2 years back. I smiled and touched it remembering that night.

I hummed a little tune to myself while looking through my old things and going through my closet.

A knock came to my door and Akihro entered without a word. I didn't turn to him, instead I walked to my closet to look for something to wear tonight to the dance.

"You know the grimm you're looking for tonight? We don't have a profile on him yet, so just be on the lookout"

I didn't respond to him but instead I just gave him a look, he sighed and sat down on my bed.

"I know that you're upset that we are bringing that girl back but, she knows to much"

My chest puffed up when I turned to him, "What the hell are you going to do to her"

His eyes focused on mine, "Why do you care, you like met her twice, plus this is a mission and we go through with it no matter the cost"

"Well you know what, she means a lot to me and-"

"She tried to fight you, she certainly doesn't care about you"

I knew that he wouldn't be able to know that but it made my heart sting. I barked out, "You don't know that!" and my voice rose with it, he stared at me blankly and I felt like if he said something else I could break apart. So instead of taking that chance I spoke, "Leave my room now"

He stood up and and walked out of my room, I could hear him mumble "Damn kids" under his breath when he exited.

I leaned against the wall next to my closet and thought about her while i sighed. I mean, he was right, she probably did hate me. My forehead scrunched up and my head was filled with the thought of her. I couldn't get my mind off that night at the mansion.

"You love her don't you?"

I turned to see Tamiko in the doorway looking at the ground, "Tam-"

"I see..." She looked me in the eyes and walked away.

///kjfhdgslkjhdgj HEY GUYS IM DONE AND HOWS LIFE


Anywho hope you enjoyed this chap, and i'll try to update more often now :)))

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