Chapter 20

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//hah i'm typing this at school again because i've got some free time, and i want to get Mr. Ednee chapter 3 up today too, but i've got a lot to do so we are just hoping. Unfortunately I wasn't able to listen to music or watch anything during the writing of this, you know, since school and everything.

Licht P.O.V

We rode home in my Grandfather's car, I'm assuming that they borrowed it to come get me. I don't know how long I was gone, but I do know that it was too long. It made me uncomfortable thinking that I was 'asleep' while this happened, I only remember being awake for the part at the end when they lead in me into the room with everyone.

Walking into a room blindfolded and people talking is an experience I don't want to go through again.

Nothing happened much when I was there, I do know that I was moved into a different room when we arrived.

I looked out the windows of the car, and it was dark. Hopefully that means I wasn't gone for too long, when this all first happened it was around sunset.

"Hey, are you okay?" Daiki said, he looked very concerned. I mean, I would be too if it were the other way around.

"I'm just a little shaken up I guess, I won't be sleeping much tonight"

He sighed, "I'm just glad you're safe, I don't know what I would have done if he did something to you"

I paused before responding, what would he do to me if it were longer? "How long was I gone?"

He looked at the clock, "Around 5 hours"

"5?!" I was thinking it was a little more than two, but five???

He laughed, "Well, I mean there was some complications before I was able to leave to come get you"

"What happened?"

"Well, shortly after Omi left my parents showed up, they took me and Hise back to our house. There they did some.... things. After Kuzino showed up we went back to your Grandpa's house, we helped them from the ropes that my parents tied them with. Finally we left to come get you"

I did notice that he had more cuts and bruises, but I assumed they were from breaking into the mansion. Now looking at them more closely I could tell they were deeper than what a break in would cause, "Tell me more about it when we get home."

"Well, first let Kuzino tell you about what she did"

Kuzino who had been quiet most of the time in the back seat of the car spoke up, "Oh, yeah, I totally saved his ass"

I laughed, "So did you now?"

She grinned, "Yup, I saved him from those mean old parents of his, oh and I saved Hise and Aiko."

"Who is Aiko?" I was confused, did he have another sister he didn't tell me about?

"Aiko is a random girl that they took from her home to torture them. They were going to make Hise and Daiki kill her. She's safe now, she's with Hise and the others"

We were pulling into my Grandpa's house, and everything seemed distressed. The windows were cracked, it gave off a weird haunted vibe.

Daiki stopped the car and unlocked the doors, I stepped out on the driveway. The dimmed lights made it very ominous.

Kuzino stepped out and walked behind me, but when Daiki stepped out he fell down.

"Daiki!" I ran towards him

He was still awake, and I don't believe he hit his head.

"Are you okay?" I said, and he sat up and rubbed his ankles

Kuzino shouted from the front porch, "I'll go get someone to help!"

Daiki mumbled, "Don't, it's fine"

Kuzino had already left, "No, it's obviously not fine, what's wrong?"

"I think it's because they tied extremely tight restraints around my ankles, and I had adrenaline rush before, it's probably run out now" He kept on rubbing his ankles, when he pulled up his pants a little bit I could see that they were swollen, and there was a red ring around each one.

"Let's get you inside and i'll get some ice" 

I leaned down and helped Daiki up, and we slowly but surely made our way inside. The place was a mess, things were all thrown around the place.

"What the hell happened here?"

Daiki fell onto the couch, "Welcome to the wrath of my parents"

"They did all of this?"

"Well, when they want something... they get it"

I sighed and made my way into the kitchen to grab some ice. When I entered I ran into Hisoka, he smiled, "Your back!"

I smiled back, and grabbed some ice out of the freezer and went to put it into a bag

"Are you hurt? If so then my wife can help you, she's a retired navy nurse"

"Oh, no it's for Daiki, his ankles are swollen from the restraints"

"Hmm, I'll have her check on him in a bit, oh welcome back by the way"

"Thank you"

I walked back into the living room and saw Hise through the hallway, I took a step towards her, "Hise, Daiki is back"

I saw her eyes light up, the love for her brother was unreal, "Really?"

She ran past me as I motioned her to the couch, she ran straight into his arms. He patted her head, and I could even see a tear fall from her eye. I could barely hear here mumble, but I made it out, "I was getting worried that something happened"

He laughed and said, "I'm practically unbreakable, I can withstand anything"

Hise noticed I was holding the ice, she pointed at it and said, "Who is that for?"

"Um, well, it's for Daiki's ankles"

She whipped her head around and glared at him, "You hurt yourself?!"

He matched her tone of voice to make her laugh, "You know where this happened, you were there"

She giggled and stood up, "You're right, I was there" She whistled and spoke again, "Well... I'll leave you two alone for now"

She jogged back to the room she was in before she came out

I sat down next to Daiki, and he leaned against my shoulder. I put the ice around his ankles. I could tell he was super tired after everything, "You did some nice work today"

Before I said anything else I realized he passed out on my shoulder.

I laughed, and I kissed his forehead

Before I knew it I was also passed out on the couch

//HAh i need to be doing other things right now, like cleaning, yo i completely forgot what I was going to mention in this part. yes hello brain can you WoRK??? anyways I really need to get some things done or i'm going to die. I really hope you enjoyed this part, hopefully i'll update again this weekend and that's if I don't die :) 

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