Chapter 16

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// hello, i'm doing this now because i'm pissed at someone and i just want to escape from it all, i'm kinda surprised i'm doing this so early, it's like 10:49 am, like normally i do this in the afternoon, or later in the night. While typing this chapter i'm watching some game theories, and some random gameplay

// again this chapter will deal with the topic of child abuse, if you are dealing with the issue of child abuse please do call the child abuse hotline, and if you aren't able to call them yourself, ask an adult you trust or close friend to call them for you

Daiki P.O.V

When we got home he threw me onto the floor, and then Aki threw Hise down next to me.

There was a slight upraise in the hardwood floor, and Hise's cheek hit it, cutting her face, just barely below her eye.

Before we could do anything I felt my dad grab my ankles and tie them together

He pulled the ziptie hard, I would start to lose circulation to my feet soon

I guess that was his point though, so that if I had managed to break free I wouldn't make it very far

Hise groaned beside me, I looked down at her legs, the tie was much more tightened than mine

You could see the blood, the tie had broken her skin

Tsuyoshi walked over to my head

"Eyes over here" He said while kicking my jaw so that my head shifted so that i was looking into his eyes

He picked me up by my hair, "Seems like your a little heavier than last time, seems we'll have to fix that, Aki can you grab about 200 ml of the dose?"

"Sure darling, while i'm at it, should I grab the newest member?"

He was dragging me across the floor towards a wooden chair, "We'll save that for later, stick to the plan we talked about"

He lifted me up onto the chair without any effort, I was a feather to him, anyone was a feather to him.

He tie my hands to the back of the chair, this time pulling tighter, I could feel blood run down my hand

Next he went over to Hise, and lifted her up, and tied her down to the chair.

Aki walked back into the room with a pill in her hand, "Darling, I brought a 300 ml pill instead"

"That's fine, i'll grab the brander, meanwhile you can give that to Daiki"

He walked over to a closet and reached for something on the top shelf. Aki walked over to me, "Open up~"

"Like hell I would"

"Bickering won't do anything, i'll pry your mouth open if I have to"

"I'd rather die"

"Well, that wouldn't be any fun would it?"

She pried my mouth open and slipped in the pill, it tasted bitter and like chemicals 

Once it was down my throat, i managed to say, "What the hell was that?"

"You'll see, in about 5 minutes it'll take action"

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