Chapter 12

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// hello all im back again and i'm ready, also btw i'm very sorry for last chapter we just needed some action so uhm yeah, sorry. Anywho while writing today i'm watching some creepy animated stories, I recommend them cause they are so good :) lets's start :")

-Licht P.O.V-

My mother had arrived last night only six hours after I called her to tell her that I was at the hospital with Daiki. Kuzino called her father to tell him that she would be with me to make sure that I was okay.

The empty white waiting room gave me the chills, the waiting took forever, all I could think about was the negative outcomes. Some of my thoughts were beyond imagination, so far that I threw up. 

How could I ever forget the look in his eyes when he was stabbed, he was looking at me. Whenever I closed my eyes that's all I could see.

My head was in my hands and my eyes were closed, I could hear a door open. My head shot up hoping that it was a doctor coming to tell me how Daiki was, but instead it was an older couple wearing fancy clothes. The women had auburn hair, and the man had brown hair. They would be any other normal people, but I recognized the shade of green that their eyes were, there was only one person who had those bright green eyes.

Daiki did.

The doctor came out from the back rooms and went over to his parents. Once he was done talking with them he lead them to the back to his room. I waited, and I waited. By this point Kuzino was outside talking to her dad, I could see them through the door. 

My phone buzzed, a message from my mom, it said "I'll be there in a hour or so, stay strong" I didn't respond, I wouldn't be talking to anyone until I knew how Daiki was. 

About 10 minutes after they walked into the back they returned, they looked unhappy. The frown on both their faces gave me the worst feeling, like I could never be happy again.

They only said 3 words, words that crushed my heart.

"What a shame" 

That is what they said, and they were gone.

Only the smell of expensive perfume was left in the room.

The door opened again, and the doctor made his way back to me. He told me to follow him, and so I did. 

The long white hallway, leading me to my death, leading me to him.

We entered room 137

I could see him in the bed, his face was pale.

A constant beeping filled the silence

The beeping of a heartbeat

I was in the car with my mom, we had just got into the car. We started to make our way home. It didn't take me awhile to start crying.

My mom nervously asked me, "How is he"

It was hard to understand me, but I think she could understand, my response made me cry.

"He's alive"

We pulled over into a gas station to park, my mother got out of the car and went over to the passenger seat where I was sitting. She hugged me and apologized, she apologized that she was gone during this.

At home we called my uncle to help us with the door, and during this we cleaned the floors of blood. The police had already been here to get samples and they called us to tell us that we were allowed to clean it.

I went into my room after cleaning it, and sat on my bed. I called up Kuzino, she had to leave early because her dad needed her.  I told her the news.

After that I laid down, and thought. I don't think I could sleep.

My mother knocked on my door, and let herself in. 

She sat down on the end of the bed, and handed me something. It was Daiki's sweatshirt that he left here. She looked away and said, "I'm glad that it went better for you"

"What do you mean mom?"

"When your father died I was devastated"

"I miss him too, but mom it's a little different, you had it worse. He was your husband, and i have only known Daiki for like 6 months"

She looked at me and grinned


She laughed and said, "You can't hide it from me, I know that you and Daiki are a thing"

"How did you know?"

"You think that I wouldn't know if my daughter is into someone?"

We laughed and she pulled me into a hug. Then she left, but before she did she said, "I'll take us to the hospital tomorrow around 8"

Then she left.

I put on his sweatshirt and pulled out my laptop, and pulled up netflix to hopefully take my mind off of him, and to pass the night quickly.  I hoped that I would fall asleep quickly to make the morning come quickly

Luckily I did, but my mind never left him. I fell asleep thinking of the first time underneath the tree at school.

We arrived at the hospital bright and early. I still had his sweatshirt on and a pair of black leggings. 

We sat in his room, he was wake. We walked into the room and the first thing he said was "I thought i'd never see you again" and while the doctor was talking to us Daiki held my hand.

I left a short while after to use the restroom.

In the hallway was his parents, they stopped me

The women spoke first, "Oh darling, this is the girl that was here yesterday"

He responded "Oh then she must be his girlfriend"

He stepped closer to me and said "You shouldn't waste your time on him"

"He is a worthless pile of shit" The women stepped forward as she said this

That's when I slapped both of them and returned into room 137

//alrighty im gonna stop here since I need to help my parents with a party that they are hosting, hope you enjoy!! So during the beginning of typing this i legit searched up "can you survive a knife to the heart" and you can so DAIKI IS ALIVEEEEEEEEEEE <3

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