Chapter 21

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//again i'm typing in school, but i'll most likely be finishing typing this at home, so when that happens i'll tell you what music i was listening to. ANYWAYS with that out of the way let's start this up.

Kuzino P.O.V

When we got to Licht's grandparent's house I went into the back to help out with Hisoka. I was there for around an hour, it was nearly 2 am. I was practically slapping myself in the face, dad was going to kill me. My curfew was 12, and it's 2 hours past that.

I was running out of the house after I said farewell to Hisoka and the others, but I stopped myself when I entered the living room. There sat Licht and Daiki, they were both passed out. My heart ached for two reasons, 1) they were so cute together and 2) I was dying for a relationship like that

The car ride home wasn't too bad, since it was 2 in the morning there wasn't much traffic.

My heartbeat sped up as I made my way into the garage, I was praying that my parents were already asleep. What would I tell them, I couldn't tell them that I killed someone and went on a wild goose chase to find my best friend. I grunted when I imagined their disappointed face, and them saying something along the lines of "we're not mad, just disappointed"

I quietly opened the garage door into the house, my breathing practically stopped. I tip toed into the main room, the marble floors didn't mask my footsteps very well. The house was completely dark as far as I could see, and there was no sign of my parents.

I nearly blew my entire secret cover when I thought of telling my mom that I killed someone, momma i've killed a man, I stopped and covered my mouth trying not to laugh

After a good minute or so I regained myself and I continued on with my goal.

I made it to my room fairly quickly, it wasn't too hard since I knew the guard posts. I remember that when I was younger I used to sneak downstairs for some late night exploring. To me this house was an adventure, I mean I could tell anyone every nick and cranny in this house. I'm totally going to invite everyone and we'd have a kick ass hide and seek game.

That's if my parents would let me invite anyone over

They probably ranked right up in the top charts of most strict parents

I made it up into my room, I silently changed into some pajamas and slid into bed and I let sleep fall upon me.

I was awoken by my parents knocking on my door, "Come in"

They walked in and sat down at my desk, they looked both concerned and serious.

My father, looking sharp as ever, spoke first, "What time did you get home last night?"

My heart was pounding, i'm busted, "Only a little bit after curfew, I didn't tell you last night because I didn't want to wake you"

He rose his voice, "Only a little bit?! You got home at 2 am, 2 hours is not a little bit"

I remained quiet, I didn't want to make the situation any worse than it was

"Gah, I can't believe you disregarded our rules, not only that but you lied right to my face"

Feeling shame I looked downwards, trying not to make eye contact 

He stood up from the chair, "I have no choice but to ground you for a month!"

This made me look up, "A month?!"

"Yes, and you're staying in your room today, guards will bring you food at given times"

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