Chapter 13

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// Hello! Let's get this bitch started back up, oh before we start last chapter when his parents "what a shame" I just wanted to remind you that his parents do abuse him so they think its a shame that he is still alive :/ also i'm getting some Jesse and James vibe from them like that they finish each other sentences and stuff (parents). While typing this im listening to Nightmare and other songs from my old playlist :) LETS START

-Licht P.O.V-

I walked back into room 137 and sat down angrily. Daiki reached for my hand, and I took it.

"What's wrong?" His voice was weak

"Your parents.."

"What did they say?" He squeezed my hand

"They.. uh said you were a pile of shit, and that I shouldn't waste my time on you" I put my head down

"Don't listen to them"

"I didn't, sorry but I slapped them"

He laughed and said, "That's my girl"

I picked my head up, "Aren't you even a little bit upset that I slapped your parents?"

"Nah, I couldn't care less about them"

"Next time I see them i'll make sure that I slap them more because I have your approval"

My mom walked in, but she heard the last thing I said, she looked at me and said, "What do you mean your going to slap them more? Who did you slap?"

"I uh slapped his parents.."

"Licht what the hell" She sat down in the chair next to me

"Well they called him a worthless pile of shit, and that I shouldn't waste my time on him. Did you really think that I would let them say that?"

"You can't just slap people"


Daiki cut in, "It's okay Mrs. Yamata, my parents aren't good people"

"What do you mean?"

My mom was really confused about what was all going on.

"You see well.." He paused, "Well it'd be better to show"

He pulled up the long sleeve to reveal the cuts, brusies, and scars. I hadn't seen them in a while, it's unnerving to see that there was more than last time, newer ones.

My mom looked, and paused.

She stood up


"I've got some unfinished business with two certain people"

She left

At home was the same, yet it felt completely different when Daiki wasn't around. There wasn't someone by my side, I didn't sit in the living room at all. My room was where I spent my time. I mostly was on my computer watching a show, updating my blog or I was reading a book.

I also only wore his sweatshirt, but I would change what I put underneath it. It smelled like sweets.

I started to count down the days until he would be released from the hospital.

I went to school, but I was very nervous. Luckily Omi wasn't there, if he was i'd punch him. Again class wasn't the same without Daiki.

The leaves had fallen off my favorite tree, but it still was stunning.

After school I would take some pictures for photography class.

Then later i'd go to the hospital, and I stayed there until late talking to Daiki about everything

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