Chapter two

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So basically the best things happened right after he enter the room, fitting that my last name was Yamata and his being Yuu we had seats next to each other. The only way to make it better was if they were closer.... but I was fine enough being the closest girl in the room next to him. I couldn't pay attention for the most of class, only to be looking out the window and playing with my shoko around my neck,my mind making scenes of me and him together. I smiled at the thought and apparently I was being watched. There was a light tap on my shoulder, I jumper slightly out of my chair since my head was still far way.
"Whatcha thinking about?" He said in a sweet tone
I panicked, I mean the guy I was just day dreaming about asked me what I was thinking about, "The pretty leaves falling on the ground outside..." I said, which wasn't a lie.
He smiled back, "yes they are pretty", his eyes darted to the trees and back to me and then they studied my face. He opened his mouth to say something but the teacher had cut in.
"You may pick a partner for this project."
He looked from the teacher to me, a grin forming on his face. I had known what he was going to say, or what I was hoping he would say. "Want to be my partner?"
"Yes" I said and saw other girls tense up in the room when he asked me. I mean I would be too if another girl got asked by this beautiful boy who had entered our class. Luckily I had happened to be that girl.

A few days passed and I had gotten to know Daiki pretty well. But since it had been a few days I had known that we were not meant for each other since the shoko had not activated, but that didn't stop me from admiring him. We sat together in class and I'm lunch, turns out not only is he beautiful but he his funny. I had almost always ended up laughing so hard by the to end of lunch. The other girls had given up on him already because he the shoko had not connected with anyone.

//hullo finally updated this :33 hope you enjoy ;0

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