Chapter 24

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// hello! So if any of you know that I write the chapters in a google document because it's a backup if wattpad decides to crash and it's funny bc you have to title it if you want to share. Which I don't usually share but sometimes I'll let some people have a sneak peak, but so every chapter it's just "tft 24" for this chapter, idk it just makes me laugh for some reason. Hey at least it has fonts so that's fun. ANYWAYS HERE WE GO

Daiki P.O.V

My phone buzzed in my pocket about 10 minutes after we left Kuzino's house

It read, My parents won't let me leave the house until I learn how to play this certain piano piece. Anyone know how to play and could teach me?

I laughed

"What did she say?"

"Her parents are making her play piano before she can leave the house even for a bit. She asked if we knew anyone that playing the piano"

"Hmm, I was never a musical girl"

I looked over at her and placed my hand on her back since she was leaning forward, "You don't have to be a music girl to impress me"

For the first time in awhile she laughed a bit, "Do I still need to impress you." She turned are faced me, "You seem to be already wrapped around my finger"

I decided to tease her back, "Right cause you're not at all interested in me"

She winked at me, "Not in the slightest bit"

"Hmm, then I must be mistaken. It seemed like you seemed pretty lovestruck when I kissed you on the forehead and made you breakfast." I shrugged and smiled, "Must have been a dream"

She laughed again, my word her laugh was music to my ears. She leaned back in her chair again, "Did I look really lovestruck when that happened? I didn't think I would"

"You looked pretty lovestruck to me"

I paused before saying something else to add to that, "You know i've realized i've never done what I meant to"

"And what would that be?"

"I never said it before because I think you already knew"

"Say what?" A new voice said

I knocked over every single thing that wasn't attached in the car, mostly receipts, cups, keys, gum, spare pocket knife, and an assortment of books for school.

I turned around and had my hand on my pocket, inside was an old pocket knife that i've had for years, it was only for emergencies and if he tried anything funny. "Who are you?" I asked prying for information.

The boy who spoke grinned and opened his mouth, "I'm Yukio Gushiken, pleasure to meet you. And you are...?"

"Daiki Yuu, the hell are you doing in our car?"

"I need you to help me with something top secret"

"Why us, why is it top secret?"

He smiled again and pulled something out of his pocket, "I work for the FBI, and I need you to help me get this man arrested"

I looked at his badge, it seemed pretty real to me. Nothing stood out as a fraud, "Who"

He again pulled out a file from a briefcase I didn't seem to notice before. He opened it up to a detailed case, "Omi Mau, i've heard that you go to school with him, right?"

"Yes, are you arresting him because of-" I stopped, that topic was a little touchy.

"For the reason you're thinking of?, yes"

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