Chapter 17

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//hello yes i am finally updating this, ive been so busy lately that i've done nothing besides soccer and school work. ANYWAYs lately a song that has been stuck in my head recently is Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia, please give it a listen, it's pretty good. anyways i'm going to start this now.

Daiki P.O.V

I was pretty sure at this point my left wrist was broken, by the way it looked in a normal position was unnatural. 

I couldn't feel the bursting pain at the moment, I was running on adrenaline 

"Is this the house?" Kuzino was slowing down the car when we approached the house

I nodded and said, "You two stay in here while me and Kuz go check out the house"

I was surprised when Hise didn't disagree with me, she always wanted to be in the action

Kuz hopped out of the car, she went to the trunk and grabbed a revolver, she tossed in over to me and I caught it in my right hand.

I opened the back door and handed Hise a switch blade, "If it comes this use it, remember the plan"

She pocked it and said, "When do I not know the plan?"

I smiled and shut the door.

Kuzino stood in front of the car, "You ready?"

"Ready as i'll ever be"

We walked into the house, "I'll take right, you take left?"

"Got it"

I kept my gun up, if Omi was in sight i'd shoot that son of a bitch

I was following a line of blood, it wasn't a normal red, it was a darker red

My heart was beating faster because if it was darker blood, the worse of a gunshot it was

I was hoping it wasn't fatal

The moaning around the corner made me grip my gun just a tiny bit tighter 

I walked, and my breathing slowed down, I wanted to remove my trace

I walked around the corner to see her grandparents tied up, her grandfather had a shot in his side, I knew it had to be the cause of the trail of blood. There was a cloth in their mouths, they were gagged.

"What the fuck..." I mumbled under my breath

Her grandmother's eyes shinned when she saw me, she nodded her head to her husband, her eyes were pleading me to help him first

I lowered my gun and put it into my back pocket, and grabbed out my switch blade, I walked behind him and started to saw off the thick rope.

It took me a good 5 minutes to get the ropes off, before I moved onto her wife, Kuzino walked in the room

"Thank god your here, help him with the wounds"

I got the ropes off of her easier than him, and as soon as I took out the gag I asked her some questions

"Are you okay, is anything bleeding?" 

"No, just bruised"

"What is your name?"

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