Chapter 8

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//here we go...... sorry for the long wait :/ OOOH today's song is Save me by bts, and War of Hormone by bts. YO TAE'S PART IN IT IS SO HECKING GOOD LIKE THE HECK? starting now :3

The next few weeks were the same, but now he would kiss me goodbye when he leaves. Also now since he was more comfortable around me he would wear short sleeves around me, he showed me the scars. I wrote about it in my journal and blog. People who read my blog were very happy that we kissed. It's like they craved it, and they were super supportive. I love each and every one of my followers, i've taken the time to get to know each one of them. There was a girl I had always talked to, her named was Kuzino. We had became best friends. My blog user was 5feet2short, and hers was kuz.jpg. I went into my messages, and messaged her.

5feet2short: hi ;0

kuz.jpg: hey! guess what

5feet2short: what?

kuz.jpg: i'm moving :/

5feet2short: where?

kuz.jpg: drum roll please....

kuz.jpg: this town called Eastmen?

5feet2short: shut up

kuz.jpg: what

5feet2short: no way

5feet2short: that's where I live :D

kuz.jpg: really?

5feet2short: when are you moving?

kuz.jpg: next week I think

5feet2short: ahh i'm so excited

kuz.jpg: me too

kuz.jpg: shoot I still have homework to do :0

5feet2short: lol

kuz.jpg: bye~

5feet2short: bye bye

After I finished talking with Kuzino I updated my blog. It didn't take me very long, so when I was done I wrote in my journal. I wrote about him, his perfect face, personality, everything. I was about to start reading a book when my computer made a ping. It said I had a new follower; ineedyuu. They had messaged me

ineedyuu: Hey Licht, it's me Daiki

5feet2short: How'd you find me? ;0

ineedyuu: Shizinu knew you had a blog

5feet2short: she knows?

ineedyuu: anyways i didn't mean to bother you

5feet2short: nah, it's fine I was just writing

5feet2short: btw I like your username

ineedyuu: thanks, yours is good too

5feet2short: dang, i wish i had thought of yours

ineedyuu: why

5feet2short: cause I need Daiki Yuu <3

ineedyuu: goodnight <3

5feet2short: goodnight

5feet2short: sweet dreams <3

ineedyuu: I miss you

--- ineedyuu logged off ---

I turned off my computer and feel asleep with the thought of him in my mind. 

The next few nights went like this, a final night chat with Daiki. Today was the day when my mom left for a business trip for two to four nights, She told me to call her if I needed anything, and to call every night to check in with her. 

That day before school I messaged him.

5feet2short: hey

ineedyuu: hello

5feet2short: my mom is leaving for a business trip, I don't want to be alone

ineedyuu: so your asking me to stay with you?

5feet2short: would you?

ineedyuu: of course

5feet2short: thank you <3

--- 5feet2short logged off ---

I packed up for school, and left to walk to school. I told my mom I was off, and started to walk, and I was going at a normal rate. I turned the corner to school, and saw him. He was standing there looking at a book, and this time he had on a dark blue uniform from our school, and a beanie that was matching. It was quite compelling to his dark red hair. His purple eyes darted up, and met mine. I had stopped when I saw him, at that time I wished I hadn't. Our shokos flew together, leading me towards him. Once our shokos connected in the middle, and they glowed with a yellow ish orange tint to it. They changed form, and created a heart on each, symbolizing that they had been connected. They would never connect with another shoko anymore. We stared at each other, and then he spoke out.

"My name is Omi Mau."

"Mine is Licht Yamata."

We walked to the school together next to each other, and we managed to say nothing at all. When we got there I noticed that Daiki wasn't here yet, so that means I would stay with Omi. We stood near the gate, and started to talk. I got to know him better, his hobbies included basketball, running, and playing the guitar. He didn't seem like such a bad guy, in fact I didn't think I minded being "his". That thought went away quickly when Daiki entered my mind. The gates opened, and Daiki still wasn't here yet.

We parted ways when he left for the office, and I went to my locker. Daiki wasn't at the lockers either, so I pulled out my phone to text him. I pulled up messages, but stopped when Omi came around the corner.

"Hey, the office wants me to have a guide, and your the only person I know."

"Oh, sure"

I shut my locker, and out my phone back into my pocket without texting Daiki, without thinking. I followed him to the office, and suddenly I didn't mind at all being 'his'. We laughed and joked throughout the halls. I needed to fill out a form for being his guide, and we talked. I laughed

It's like I had completely forgot that I had fallen in love with Daiki

Daiki's pov~

I rushed into school, I had been running late. The entire time I ran I thought of Licht, and hoped she wouldn't be mad that I was late. I burst into school, and started rushing to the lockers. My entire body stopped when I looked into the office, there was Licht, and this guy with his hand on her back, and she seemed not to mind

Her gaze went over to me outside of the office

she saw me

she seemed regretful

and he pulled her into a hug like I had, and she returned it.

That's when I left.

//whoop whoop I finished this chap :) hope you enjoyed..  also thinking if you were looking for a song that would go good with the chapter would be When You Say Nothing At All

//yeah i'm sorry that Omi was like "i'm her boy now" and Im upset cause I WANT DAIKI AND LICHT TO FRIkCING BE EACHOTHers so much you wouldn't know. But i had to do this for story sake :((

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