Chapter 23

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//huehue i'm just now starting this after updating Mr. Ednee and i'm so in the mood to write this. As I said in the end of last chapter I mentioned that we will go back to the uh power couple I guess AKA Licht and Daiki, and don't forget the lovable sidekick Hise. So let's get started :)

Licht P.O.V

I woke up on the couch in my grandparents house, I lifted up my hand to my forehead.

Someone's hand flinched across my stomach, and they spoke out, "You're awake?"

I turned my head to see who it was, "Daiki?"

His head was buried in my shoulder, "Hmm?"

I laughed as he held me closer, "Are you still tired?"

He groaned, "I'm finally able to rest because we found you"

"Are you two done being a Disney couple?"

He groaned again, "Hise leave us alone, you didn't have to deal with a fight until like 2 am"

I could hear Hise shift her weight from one foot to another, I'm assuming she was putting her hand on her hip because it was such a Hise move. "Well Daiki it's like 6 pm, I didn't think you wanted to sleep for the entire day"

"Huh" He sat up

"It's 6, get your ass up, we have things to do"

He wiped his eyes, "Give me ten minutes"

"Make it five"

"Fine, now go"

Hise sauntered back into the kitchen, it was weird seeing everyone in my grandparents house.

my grandparents

I shot up, and scared Daiki to say the least. "Is something wrong"

"I can't believe that i'm so stupid"

Now he sat up, "What?"

"I haven't checked on them since I got back, and I haven't talked to my mom she's probably worried"

I paused, "Where is my mom?"

Before he could respond I made my way back to the kitchen. My grandparents were sitting across from Daiki's grandpa, and his grandma was at the stove.

My grandma saw me first, "Darling-" Instead of finishing her sentence she just stood up and hugged me.

"Are you two okay?"

She laughed, "Well yes," She eyed Grandpa, "After he calmed down when you arrived last night, I practically had to hold him back from waking you up so he could make sure you're okay"

"I know, I should have come to you two before passing out on the couch"

She patted me on the shoulder, "It's fine Li, besides you looked at peace with him, so I didn't want to ruin it" She winked at me

"You haven't used that nickname in forever"

She smiled, "I suppose I haven't, anyways was there any other reason why you came in here"

"Yeah, I was wondering where mom is at. Is she still at the police station?"

Something changed in her eyes, soon everyone in the room was quiet. Her face showed grief, and I began to imagine the worst.

"What happened Grandma?"

I looked at everyone else in the room, then I noticed Daiki was standing at the opening to the kitchen. He too was looking at the ground, again greif filling his eyes.

Table For Two// nishiyukiDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora