Chapter 9

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// hullo all, sorry for not posting anything the past days, i've gotten very busy. Today's song is Wait for You, idk why it just is a very emotional song for me :\ It just reminds me of my "olden" days. ANYWHo let's get back to happy (ish) terms and start this bad boy up :D

~Daiki pov~

When I got to my locker I unpacked everything. I didn't want to have any chance of running into Licht. Luckily our classroom was right next to Shizinu's classroom. I walked in there, and went to her desk.

"What the hell is up with Licht?!"

"what?" She seemed confused, and slightly offended

"She's all up on this random guy"

"Wait, are you serious?"


"the fuck?"

I stormed all around her desk, and finally she shot out her arm to stop me.

"I'm pissed, oh you should go it's a minute till class starts."


I walked back into my room, and sat down. The entire time I came in I ignored Licht. She tapped my arm, and I didn't respond. She noticed and tapped me again until I would repsond, each time it would be harder. I finally said something

"What do you want"

She seemed taken aback but the edge of anger in my voice, but then she regained herself, then said,

"I got matched this morning!"

I shrugged

"His name is Omi Mau, he has red hair and purple eyes."

"Oh so you must really 'love' him" I said sarcastically 


She had her eyes closed, and there was a hint of blush on her face. The color had drained on my face, so I turned back to the board. My eyes teared up slightly, but I wiped it off. 

She didn't seem like herself, the first time the shoko had even became hot she freaked out, and now it seems like shes completely okay with it. It mostly seemed like she had completely forgotten about what we had. Now the teacher walked in with what I assumed who Omi Mau was on her heel. Now since I knew exactly what he looked like I need to keep an eye out for him. His eyes were an incredible shade of purple, they looked very unsettling but makes you look at them even more, I looked at Licht and her eyes seemed to be glowing. Not glowing in a way at looking at something you love, instead it was unnatural. Her eyes stayed on him, rarely blinking. He sat down a few rows ahead of us, and he turned around to Licht and winked. 

The glow in her eyes had instantly gone away, her eyes went back to a normal teal color.

She touched her forehead, and a tear ran down her face. Omi turned around and smiled, not like before, this time was sinister. Her eyes widened, and she turned and saw me. My eyes were wide, my mind couldn't even begin to comprehend what happened. She placed her head on the desk, and her hand was clenched on her skirt. 

I walked up to  the teacher and asked her if we could go see the nurse. She told us to wait five minutes the we would be allowed to go. Luckily we were having a partner work time, and Licht happened to be my partner. Her head was still on her desk when I came back. I took my chair and sat it at her desk. She didn't look up.

I slid my hand under the desk, and found her hand. I slid mine into hers, she finally look up.

"are you okay?"

She nodded no

"are you in pain?"

she nodded yes

"what hurts?"

she tapped her head, and then her heart.

I squeezed her hand under the desk to let her know that i'd get us through this

"I asked the teacher, and she said that we can leave in 5 minutes"

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"It's fine you don't have to say anything, I get you"

She smiled weakly

The five minutes pasted rather slowly, she was looking at me, and I was looking at her. Her eyes were beautiful, the color of the sea. The glowing before looked like acid poured into the beautiful sea, beautiful no more.

We stood up to leave, when I stood up I let go of her hand because we weren't 'official', but when she stood up she took my hand and started to walk away. I could feel the purple eyes staring me down, but I just kept on walking.

I needed to teach him that I was her man, or boy per say because i'm not a man. 

We walked to the nurses office, hand in hand. When we got into the office Licht sat down on the nurse bed, and I stood next to it. The nurse checked Licht, and then starting to type things on the computer. 

She turned to me and said, "She should go home for the rest of the day."

"Okay, but i'm going to leave with her."


Licht rubbed her head, and then entered the conversation, "My mom is out of state for a business trip. She said if anything happens that he would take care of me." She looked in pain.

I looked at her with a slight blush building up on my face, she didn't tell me this before.

"What about your father?" The nurse sounded uncertain

"he died in a plane crash 5 years ago."

"Oh, i'm so sorry. The school didn't have a record on that."

Licht's eyes began to water, and a few tears ran down her face.

"I'll call your teacher and tell her that both of you are leaving."

"Thanks" I looked over at Licht, she looked like she was struggling not to break down. 

"You two can leave." said the nurse while dialing a number on the phone.

I took Licht's hand, and lead her out of the room. We walked to the lockers and pack up to leave. There was still tears running down her face, but she wasn't making any noise. 

We left the school, and started making our way to her house. On the way there Licht interlocked her fingers with mine, and then I squeezed her hand three times.

What she didn't know is that the three squeezes meant three words. Three words telling her how I felt. 

one- I

two- love

three- you

It was weird thinking that this morning I was mad at her, even though I loved her. 

//im cutting this chapter off early cause i don't have enough time and it's already over 1,000 words. Hope you enjoyed, hopefully the next chap will be out either Sunday or Monday :D

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