Chapter 2.5

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Over the past days I had learned more about Daiki

-First and foremost, EYES. Most beautiful I've seen
-He has no siblings (what a shame could have been more beautiful children)
-He wishes to be author
-He enjoys to run on cool days
-He can make an amazing pancake

I paused when looking back at my list, and with everything I've written down he seems literally perfect. Which I believe is true but he tells me otherwise. This is what he said-

-Trust issues
-His weakness is animals and caring too much for them (not a downside to me)

That's not what worried me though as I wrote down the words. He would point at my paper, and I would see scars all up like arms that were covered by selves. I would see more appear everyday... it worried me. I made a mental note to write it down later, and then continued to writing what he said.

-speaks from gut
-wears his heart on his shoulder

I stopped writing when our teacher called our attention to the boards. Mostly I paid attention to our lessons but I couldn't help but looking at the beautiful trees.

but what I hadn't noticed was that the beautiful leaves would fall, fall to the ground

//owo random update guys!! Hope you enjoys and hopefully tomorrow or soon I'll put up rough drafts for what the characters look like ;) chaio for now

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