Chapter 33

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// eeyyy bby we are back and better than ever, it's my birthday this weekend, but i'm assuming that since it won't go up before it i'm just gonna say; yayyyy happy birthday me, hope you're having a pretty neat time and that you're living it up. Uh anywho some songs that have been stuck in my head recently is be alright by dean lewis and 2002 by anne-marie, they've been stuck in my head a lot and I am out here dancing to them during class so that's pretty cool. UhhhhH hope you guys enjoy this, and are having a good time, let's a go

Kuzino P.O.V

As I was led into the room the door shut behind me and I was there alone with Akihro, the man of the hour as they say. He motioned to me a chair next to the head of the table, and as I sat down he did as well.

He cleared his throat and cracked his neck, "Have you made a decision yet?"

"Mhm, might as well be useful while i'm here"

He chuckled softly, "I thought the same way when I was your age. If I weren't being useful it felt pointless to be there," He paused and looked at me straight on, "But simply being there can make a huge impact"

I nodded in agreement and waited for him to continue.

"Since you'll be training to be my second, we should get to know each other better and learn to trust each other, right?"

"Yeah, it would help tremendously"

He nodded, "Then you should start, tell me about yourself"

I inhaled sharply and leaned back in my chair, "Well let's see, i'm 17, 5'7, I play the piano and am studying in business majors. My parents work for the government in a sense, and they expect me to take that role"

"Do you have siblings?"

"Mm, yeah I have an older brother named Fieren. He's got a wife and she's expecting. Though I don't talk to him much anymore. Considering he is way smarter than I am, when I was younger I only saw him as an opponent in a game. Now it's different, I can talk with him comfortably but we are nowhere near how close siblings can be" I thought of Hise and Daiki when saying this, he would trade the world for Hise to be safe and she'd do the same.

He nodded and waited for more.

"Uhh, my best friends are Licht and Daiki, they've been there for me in the most difficult situations i've been in. If i'm being honest I don't know why they put up with me. They've given me endless love and trust but I feel like i've taken it for granted. It keeps me up some nights, but you already knew that, didn't you?"

He exhaled, "I suppose I did, but I wanted to hear it from you, get your personal point of view"

I nodded and chuckled quietly, "Is it what you hoped for?"

"It's all that I could have expected"

"I guess it's your turn now"

He smiled and brought out a folded piece of paper from the pocket of his shirt, "I've raised Omi since he was six, I had adopted him as my own, and to this day I believe it was the best decision i ever made. He is a little ball of light and he makes me feel proud that I raised him." As he spoke about Omi he rubbed the paper and smiled to himself, it was precious, he obviously had endless love for his adoptive son. I wish every kid has a parent that boasts about their kid in the most humble way.

He looked up and noticed I was looking at the paper, "But uh, before I got Omi there was this other little girl I had. Her name was Raidon, goddess of thunder. She was born during a thunderstorm and her mother thought it fit perfectly."

"What happened to them?"

"Mm, I can only assume Raidon is healthy, she'd be near your age actually, 19. Her mother, she uh took Raidon away from me and everyone else. She used to work as a Creator but after an incident with Raidon and other creators here, she stood up and left"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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