Chapter 7

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// I'm sorry this is gonna be so late but I'm getting hung up in Taehyung cause he is a beautiful boy <3 today's song is Wait for You cause it's sooooo gooooood~ let's get started~

Licht's Pov~
Once he was done making breakfast I went into my mom's room to get her for breakfast. I walked back into the kitchen, and I was surprised that he had already set up the table, and was ready to serve. We ate most of breakfast in silence, except for a few 'thank you' and 'this tastes good'. I didn't mind the silence, it gave me time to think. Time to think about him.

Every once in a while I would look up, and he would be looking at me. His eyes didn't leave my face, instead they seemed to search my face. What did they search for? Hints? Answers? I didn't have them myself.

My mom stood up, and cleaned her dishes, then went back into her room. Me, and Daiki stood up to clean our dishes. Once we were done we put the dishes into a drying rack next to the sink. I was feeling quite playful that morning, so I tapped Daiki and said, "Tag"
A smile crept on his face and he said, "Oh, it's on"

I ran out of the kitchen and Daiki was running behind me. He caught up to me.
I turned around to tag him back, but my foot had slipped on the hardwood. I began to fall. Daiki had noticed, and he stopped to catch me. He did.
"Are you okay?" He said while pulling me up.
"Yeah." I smiled. "Tag, your it"

I jumped over the couch, and barley missed running into the coffee table. Daiki tried to follow me, but his foot caught on the couch. He fell over the couch. I stopped running, and walked over to him, and he said tapped me, "tag"
I laughed, and helped him get up. He had the most goofy smile on his face. His eyes were closed, and he couldn't stop laughing.
"That kind of hurt."
He said it had hurt, but he continued to laugh.

There was something about that moment that felt perfect. I decided that I should take my chance, so I did. I went onto my tip toes, and my hands reached for his face. And I had kissed him.

My eyes were closed, so I wasn't able to see him. All I know is that he didn't pull away.

"Licht come get your uniforms" My mom called from her room.

I pulled away to grab our uniforms, but before a left Daiki gave me a quick kiss and let me go to get the uniforms.

I headed into our laundry room, and grabbed our clothes. I walked back into the living room and handed Daiki his clothes. He went into the bathroom, and I went into my room. It didn't take me long to change, but I took some extra time to look good. I came out of my room, and Daiki was soon out after me. We walked over to our bags, and I told mom that we were ready to go. She walked out of her room with her uniform for work. She picked up the car keys, and we followed her into the garage. On the way to school we just listened to the radio.
We arrived 20 minutes early for school.
"Sorry, I just have to be at work earlier."
"It's fine mom"
We hoped out of the car, and she drove away.

"We could sit by a tree and wait." I offered
"Okay" he yawned
We sat down at a pine tree near the front of the school. I pulled a book out of my bag, and started to read. Daiki rested his head on my shoulder and yawned.
"Did you get much sleep last night?"
"No, I was busy looking at you."
My heart was racing, most people don't straight up tell you that they were looking at you. He fell asleep quickly, and I read. For the next 20 ish minutes he slept, and I read.

Now it was about 3 minutes until the gates opened to the school. I poked Daiki's face.
"Hey, it's time to wake up~"
He mumbled and opened his eyes.
"It's like 3 minutes until the gate opens."
Now he lifted his head up, and stretched out his arms. I stood up, and put my book away. I offered a hand towards to Daiki to help him up. He took it, but once he was up he didn't let go immediately, instead he squeezed and then let go.

We walked toward the gate, and once we were there the gates opened. We got to our lockers and unpacked our bags.
"You ready?"
"Yup, let's go." I said shutting my locker.
He shut his right after me, and we made our way to class. On the way he stood closer to me than normal, I enjoyed it.

Class went by normally, and so did photography class. Daiki walked me home, and then parted ways to his house. I watched him walk away, against the golden sky, it reminded me of what happened this morning. A golden sky for a golden day. This time I forgot again that gold isn't forever.

//shorter than normal :(( but hope you enjoyed. Also during this I couldn't stop listening to Dramarama

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