Chapter 30

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// woah I can't believe i'm actually at chapter 30!!! it's super exciting and my characters have evolved so much from the very first time i've pictured them which was in 2016 and my story has changed from my original idea, example omi like bro he was supposed to be this hella bad and inhumane dude but look at him now, he is my baby boy and I love him. recently i've been working on some more art and just random things of the squad from here and mostly just me figuring out what Lichts hair actually looks like cause i'm trying to redesign it, but yeah let's get started :))

Kuzino P.O.V

The car pulled up into a huge building without any name on it. The walls were covered in tinted windows so you couldn't see inside, it looked like an ordinary business building.

"This is the headquarters?" I asked

"Mhm" Omi mumbled as the car finally stopped. His head was in his head, his hair was a mess and his knuckles were bruised.

My hands brushed the top of his head, "Does it hurt?"

His fingers curled around his hair, "I'm fine"

"He's not" Chimed in Tamiko from the other end of the car

"I said-" He picked up his head, "I'm fine" The bridge of his nose was crinkled and his eyes were watery. His eyes darted over to me and he placed his head back in his hands and sighed.

Akihro opened the door and noticed the condition Omi was in, he pulled him up and supported him, "What did you do kid?"

"Nothing too serious" His head slumped when he was out of the vehicle.

"Clearly" He said sarcastically and tried to stabilize him by himself, he looked over into the car where we were getting out of, "Tamiko get them situated into a room, and uh, Kuzino you come help me with him"

Tamiko nodded and walked into the building having Daiki and Licht following, me on the other hand stayed out by the car as he talked to some of the other people in the front of the car.

I walked over to where Omi stood by the car and his head was still facing the ground. My hands slid up his face and whipped away some blood that was still wet. He picked up his head and looked at me, his head pressed against my hands and he struggled to hold a smile.

"Don't force it"

He chuckled and looked me in the eyes, "It's pounding, like a lot" 

I ran my hands over the sides of his face and took a step closer to him. His face leaned in closer to me, but he hesitated to go further. I questioned his choice for a second but I soon noticed that Akihro had turned back to us.

"You ready kid?" Akihro said while shifting his balance and placing a piece of paper in his chest pocket.

He sighed and turned towards him, "I guess so"

I slid my arm underneath his and supported his weight as we entered the building. Everyone seemed fairly intimidated by either Akihro or the fact that Omi seemed in a bad condition. Though as we made it to a double door a man greeted Akihro with 'sir, I didn't think you were here tonight' and opened the door for him, maybe he was a CEO or something. My eyes landed on him again, and I began to questions everything i've thought about him. My mind remembers what bad things he's done, but my heart tries to block them out.

Akihro reached a door with what looked like a fingerprint locked door, he paused and turned to me, "I think this is where I will take on with helping him," He looked around him and spotted a guy walking around who seemed near my age. "Ah Naoki, can you escort her to wing H into the group rooming?"

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