Chapter 45 Frozen and Fall

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Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, except for my OC. J. K. Rowling and Rick Riordan do, not me. (Imagine Harry Potter was in the same time period as Percy Jackson).

My fall break is almost over, and I've been lazy all week. I need to update more and finish my homework. I need to stop procrastinating. I did get accepted into a college, and I'm waiting on another one though, but it's taking them forever to reply.

Bianca's POV

Our way to the exit seemed short. Rachel immediately got us back to New York. We climbed out of the Marriott basement and stepped onto the sidewalk. We were blinded by the sun's rays. We looked at our surroundings and squinted at the traffic and the crowds of people.

I've never walked in Times Square before. When I arrived in New York from London, I just went straight to Camp Half-Blood.

Percy led us into an alley, away from the people. He loudly whistled five times. I didn't know why until I saw a flock of pegasi descending from the sky.

"They're beautiful!" Rachel gasped.

They swooped down between the skyscrapers. I noticed a black pegasus leading five white pegasi.

"Yeah," Percy said. "I'm lucky that way. Listen, we need a ride to camp quick."

I guess he can speak horse?

I walked up to one of the pegasi and stroked its mane. "Hey, big guy..." I whispered, petting the pegasus.

I climbed on the pegasus but noticed that Rachel wasn't saddled on the magical creature yet. She was still conversing with Percy. I turned to Nico, who seemed to be having trouble with his pegasus. The pegasus wouldn't let him mount.

"Go without me!" Nico pouted. "I don't want to go back to that camp anyway."

"Nico, we need your help," Percy pleaded.

Nico folded his arms and scowled.

"Nico...please?" I begged.

He stared at me and sighed. "All right," he immediately responded. "Only for you."

I smiled. Everyone mounted their pegasi, and we glided through the sky and clouds.

We were soon over the East River with Long Island spreading out beneath us. We landed in the center of the cabin area and were immediately swarmed by Chiron, an old satyr, and a couple of Apollo cabin archers.

It was great to be back.

"I feared as much," Chiron began. "We must hurry. Hopefully you have slowed down the Titan lord, but his vanguard will still be coming through. They will be anxious for blood. Most of our defenders are already in place. Come!"

"Wait a moment," the old satyr halted. "What of the search for Pan? You are almost three weeks overdue, Grover Underwood! Your searcher's license is revoked!"

We've got other things to worry about than Grover's license, dude.

Grover took a deep breath and stood up straight. He stared at the old satyr in the eye. "Searcher's licenses don't matter anymore. The great god Pan is dead. He has passed on and left us his spirit."

"What?" The old satyr gasped. His face turned bright red. "Sacrilege and lies! Grover Underwood, I will have you exiled for speaking thus!"

"It's true," Percy spoke up. "We were there when he died. All of us."

"Impossible! You are all liars! Nature-destroyers!"

"We will speak of this later," Chiron chided.

"We will speak of it now!" The satyr insisted. "We must deal with this-"

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