The Gifts Love Can Give You

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Hey guys! Thank you for all the reviews! And the new character will be mentioned in 2-3 chapters! I'm so excited!! And what did everyone think of PD and Fire's episode? Let me know!!


"I still don't think is a good idea." Erin looked over to Jay who was sipping on his beer.

"Why not? It'll be fun." He looked ahead to Ruzek, who was leading the crew. "Besides, Adam is first so if something happens then he'll be first."

Erin frowned thinking about anyone getting hurt. "Jay, you can go up with the guys, I'll be fine."

Jay nodded, paddling is air mattress until he was with Adam and Mouse.

"Erin, this is a beautiful place." She shifted her head and came face to face with Antonio.

She took a look around, everyone laughing and having fun as they were guided through the water. She needed this. With the events of the past three months, she just needed to be here.

"I wish I lived here." Erin looked over to Jay who was up ahead with Mouse and Adam laughing. "I'd retire here, but Jay wants to retire in Wisconsin."

Antonio grinned. "You happy?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"With Jay." He looked at him and back to Erin.

Her cheeks began to heat up, and her heart began to ache with the amount of love she had for him. "The happiest I've ever been." She paused. "When I first met him, I just thought we'd be partners and only saw him as a friend.... I'd never thought we'd fall in love."

"Erin, I knew." Antonio paddled the mattress closer to Erin as they turned. "As soon as Jay came over that night after his first day in IU, he raged about you. He was telling me how you almost got him killed." He laughed. "And how you made him feel like a house husband. I knew there, he'd met his wife and you met your husband."

She felt another tug on her heart when she saw Jay blow her a kiss. "I don't know when I started to have feelings for him." She tried to think if all the moments they shared, but couldn't put her finger on one.

"Who has the other go pro?" Antonio steered the conversation away from the loving topic.

"Adam. I don't know how Voight trusts him, but he does." She looked ahead and saw Adam talking to the go pro, taking it off of his head, showing it to Jay, Mouse, and Kevin, who in the last five minutes joined the group. "Go have fun with the guys."

He nodded, paddling up to join the rest of the guys. She put her shades back on and just took in the sight.

Everyone was laughing and having fun. The team was bonding. The weather was now sunny, the opposite of last night.

Erin laid her head down, on her raft, letting the water control her movement.

"Shit!" Erin's head darted up as she hit a rock, and saw there was no coming back. The rapids she knew would be there made their appearance.

The water used to be clear, but now was a muddy brown, sticks and debris floating.

Erin's pulse quickened.

She looked ahead, her team taking a right, just like they were suppose too. To the right, the rapids slower than where Erin was, but still dangerous.

Nobody, not even Erin, noticed she was drifting to the left, where the rapids got worse, deadly.

Her mattress slammed against a rock, taking her right. The team was still visible, but wouldn't be for long. Erin quickly realized where she was going.

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