One Minute You Were Here and Now You're Gone

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Hey! I hope you all liked the last chapter! And please, drop a review, I love them! Here is a new chapter for y'all-


Erin and Jay walked through the Adler Planetarium, their eyes moving fast, taking in all the scenery in such short time.

"How many guests were you planning on having?" The guide asked.

"About one hundred and fifty. But we are having private catering. Something like two to twelve." Erin smiled, taking Jay's hands in hers.

"Okay, so that many people will probably average to around seven thousand dollars for the whole evening."

Jay thought his eyes were going to pop out of his sockets. "Seven thousand? For a wedding venue?"

Erin rolled her eyes. "What comes with it?"

The lady motioned them to sit down at the table. "With the package you are going for, it will cover the whole day including the alcohol for the reception and the DJ. You will just need to bring in your own food."

Erin nodded eagerly and looked to Jay. "Come on babe, it's only seven thousand."

Jay shook his head. "We are both detectives for CPD. I am a retired Army Ranger. Is there some type of veteran discount?" He would not pay seven thousand for a venue.

"Yes, of course. We have a forty percent discount. That'd cut it down to four thousand, eight hundred." She looked through her charts.

Jay looked to Erin. God, he really loves her. "We'll take it." Jay shook his head while Erin squealed with excitement.

Erin was on cloud nine. Papers were signed and everything was in place. They walked through the venue, towards the front doors, taking in every inch.

The tables, the scenery of the Chicago skyline. Erin was already planning colors and seating and where the DJ would go and everything. "Thank you, Jay."

Jay looked over at her. "Erin, I'll do anything for you, baby. We waited so long for this day, and this whole relationship is a fairytale. You're my sleeping beauty. I want everything to be perfect for you."

Erin's hand reached up and grazed his cheek. "God, I love you." She connected their lips, passionately kissing. "Do you think we will find the house today? I know Saturday was a bust."

Jay smiled. "Well today has been a pretty lucky day, so I have a feeling." Jay wrapped his arm around Erin as the December air hit their faces walking out of the Platinum.

Jay shut Erin's car door, walking to the driver's side. "I can't believe I'm letting you drive." Erin laughed, resting her hands in her lap.

"Yeah, I know. It's weird being in the driver's. I think we have time for lunch." Jay looked at Erin.

"I think so too! What were" Erin held the phone to her ear. "Hello.... Yeah, I know where you are talking about.... yes... we will meet you there." Erin looked over to Jay who had a confused look on his face. "It was Jason. He has a house on the outskirts of town. He thinks it's ours. It hasn't even gone on the market yet." Jay nodded and followed Erin's directions to the house.

They pulled up into the driveway their eyes meeting each other's. "And how much was this?" Jay was already tired of spending money.

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