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Lai Guanlin

Sigh, I dunno what these two hyungs planned on me. They literally dragged me back to the cafeteria. Ever since I asked them "What is so great about her?" and they forced me to follow them. I got a sense of trouble in the air surrounding us. At least my best buddies Daehwi and Baejin will help me.

We saw the crowds gotten less than before we went here. Boys expressions were like satisfied and felt heartwarming, I suppose.

"She took my present!" That was first boy I ever heard he squealed. What is actually happened in there? Is it because the Busan girl? No way she could be this popular for a day.

Two hyungs kept on dragging me, entering into the cafeteria. Woojin was the first who entered and gasped, mouth dropped. Daniel asked him what has happened and he followed Woojin's doing. Both of them released me and quickly ran to one certain table and shouted "Han Yunbi!!"

Baejin, Daehwi and I walked up to them. I felt kinda shy towards the new girl by the way. I've never felt this way before. Strange.

"Daniel, Woojin. Congratulations on being in Wanna One" she congratulated them. I was the last one who arrived since I'm such a cold person towards a girl but not Yunbi. I popped my head and the height of Daniel's broaded shoulder and smile awkwardly. "And who are these three?" She doesn't know us?

"I'm Lee Daewhi. On my left is Bae Jinyoung and the guy behind Daniel is Lai Guanlin" me and Baejin sent greeting to her, giving her our smiles. She did smile back but a different one than the other girls. Her gaze was cold as ever, she was like glaring to us and gave her side smile.

Somi and Sejeong are here too. Somi is still the same while Sejeong is cheerful as ever. There was one time Sejeong told me that Somi isn't a cold person as we thought. Fyi, she is only acts cold towards boys. No one knows her reason except Sejeong.

"Did you guys had lunch yet ?" Sejeong asked.

"No, we didn't" Daehwi answered, sighed as he is in hunger.

"Mmm, take these foods then. We are already quite full" she said, pushed the foods which were on their table towards us; sandwiches, chocolates, snacks and buns. "Just take all. We don't need and eat them"

"You girls sure are lucky to get free foods from those fans" Woojin bragged about those boys from earlier.

"Well, we need to go. Yunbi wanted to see around the school compound. See ya! Gaja" as the three girls stood up and walked passed by us.

Us boys took all the foods on the table, put them into plastic bags and carry them back to our lunch location. On our way there, two girls carried pink boxes, smiling sheepishly. I ignore their gazes and quick our phase up. But then those sluts stopped in front of us. Sigh.

Said the same line almost everyday, making me sick for hearing their so-cute voice. This girl with a purple bracelet gave her box to me while the other one with her hair clip gave to Baejin then walked away. Of course we don't accept their gifts instead we threw away the gifts into a black bin.

Hmm, what if Yunbi sends a gift to me? I would be like thankful or something else. It's just that she is my type(?) of girl, really. I like the way she is...w-what am I thinking? I'm an idiot. Blush.

Once we arrived at the garden, Minhyun and Seungwoo hurriedly towards us, snatched the plastic bags from us. "God, I'm so hungry! Where did you guys get these stuffs? They are limited!" Minhyun just shove the vanilla flavored bun into his mouth.

"From someone new" Daniel answered, ruffling in the bags, took out a melon bread. "Yes~"

I turned to face Daehwi who drinks his chocolate milk and he noticed me looking at him. "I think you thought of 'when will I get to know her?', right?"

"Shush up" I smacked his head and he went 'ow'. Damn it, this kid. He was telling the truth what I thought of her earlier. Sigh, feeling a bit desperate to know her deep personality. I sat on a bench beside Sungwoon who is reading a thick book while eating his snack, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"No, nothing at all" I gave a side smile, looking at the contexts in his novel, I'm not reading.

"Are you sure? You look pretty down since the cafeteria incident"

"Isn't that who I am as always?"

"Look, Linlin. You can tell me anything about your problem. But I don't think I could solve a difficult one. So, tell me" hyung kept on eating his snack while I'm still resting.

"This is not a safe place to tell you. Maybe later? I want to go to toilet" as I stood up from the seat, walking towards to where I wanted to go. I wasn't tell the truth about me going to the toilet instead I wanted to see Yunbi. This is the first time I did this to a girl. I'm such a creep.

Approaching the hallways, I saw three familiar figures of girls talking to each other around the entrance of the class. I went to them recognised right away that they were Yunbi, Somi and Sejeong. Once Somi noticed me, she went frowned made Yunbi and Sejeong turned to look at me, Yunbi frowned. What did I do?

I gave them a side smile, entering the class by passing through the small space they had. When I passed by Yunbi, my heart thumped fast, wasn't like before. It made me curious why must be her to be my crush(?). Is it because she is famous or talented even cute or intelligence? I dunno which is it but those words are my type of a girl yet she is cold.

We just greeted a simple hi since the locker incident, making me to talk to her more. I had never been like this. Why did I thought of her for too much? Am I a selfish person who doesn't appreciated other girls appearance? I just don't know why I got this feeling of wanting her. I'm ridiculous.

The last bell of the day, knowing that school is over. I packed up my things into my bag and grabbed my music notebook in my locker. Today, Wanna One doesn't have any schedule so, we are free for today. Miracle.

We three maknaes bid goodbye to our classmates.

"Yunbi, goodbye" I told her with a smile but she just her weak smile. What did I ever do to her? I didn't do anything to her. This is ridiculous. Tapping her shoulder, made her faced me but then, I blushed because of her natural beauty.

"Is something the matter?" She asked with her low key voice with a death glare as I can see it in her eyes. She had her cold person vibe inside too.

"U-uhm. C-can I have your number?" What am I saying!?

"I....can't" that was a let down.

"Why you can't?"

"I sense trouble" she turned away, flipped her hair, leaving with Somi and Sejeong who were waiting outside.

"Ouch. She turned you down" Baejin said, acted like he is in shocked. Because of his attitude to embarrass me, I hit his head. "Oww! I'm sorry!" As he rubbed his head.

"She reminds me of you. The old you, Linlin" Daehwi stated, patting my shoulder. "Let's go home" and again with he dragged us three to the school entrance gate.

Wanna One resembled, waiting for our own van to go back home. Today was something unexpected in my life. I met a girl who caught my eyes for the first time. I think I would like to learn confessing to the cold girl. Just in case, if I had a chance to confess(?). Ugh, I'm totally disgusted for myself. The old me wasn't like this. Well, I guess I should shedding myself to be the new me.

I'm ready to get her

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