Twenty Seven

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A suitable song for this chapter, To My Youth by Bolbbagan4

Lai Guanlin

I twitched my eye when I read this news on twitter, "Stray Kids' Seungmin and Fire Flower's Yunbi Caught Dating in a Cafe, " some pictures of them has been captured around Hangang Park. The pictures tell me that they enjoyed themselves by laughing and teasing.

D-did cheated on me? I felt so heartbroken, "Yunbi, we need to talk, " I said over the phone.


"Explain this, " I showed her some pictures of her and that playboy. Her facial expressions went sad and disappointed, "tell me about it, " I crossed my arms to my chest.

"I-Im sorry—"

"Sorry isn't an answer, "

"Before that happen, I had been in a trouble in school because of Nancy who bullied me after school. She was like blackmailing me that she would tell the others about us and I-I got sacred...." She looked away to the window.

"What ifs' had been after that. That was when I was in Hangang Park the place where I could calm myself down. I began to think that I became a burden to you and your friends and things has been around with me, negative thoughts, " she breath, holding her tear, but it came out.

"Right then, Seungmin noticed me alone in the park. We ended up hanging out to cheer us up. He told me that he went through the same thing as me at the same day. I-Im so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. And things wouldn't be like this. "

"Y-Yunbi, you're overreacting. Come on ,let's settle things down," I'm scared if she leaves me like this, "Yunbi?" She shook her head and stood up from her seat, went to the restroom.

I blinked my eyes a few times, and tears had formed. I silently cried at the corner. I shouldn't have trust the news, that really could broke her heart. It broke my heart too.

Then, I heard a bell chimed, signalling someone would at the door— Yunbi! I rushed out of the cafe, ran to find her. I swear I saw her went out of here. Fuq, where could she'd been now!? Damn it! I shouldn't have loose her!

I ran around the building, searching for her, "Yunbi!! "

"Oh my God! It's Guanlin!! " shit, wannables are here. They started to chase me around until I could hide myself from them.

And finally, I hid beside some kind of a dumpster filled with unused electrical stuffs. I sweat myself out, slide down against the wall, crouched down to the ground. Where could've she been?

I cried when i looked at pictures of me and Yunbi together before; she kissed me, she teased me, she hugged me, she took a nap with me, hung out with holding hands even a pictures of her coldself. I chuckled to the memories.

After that, I read all of our messages; full of loves. Saw a 'call' button at the top. My finger when shaky, either I should call her or not. I-I... I really wanted to see her again. I miss her now. Really miss her.

I wanna do a lot of things her that I couldn't do before. I wanna hug her one last time. I wanna kiss her one last time. I wanna see her now! Y-yunbi.... Yunbi. Where are you?

The next day, I went to school along with my red puffy eyes. Greeted by reporters has been asking me about my statua right now. Can't they tell that I'm having a bad mood here? I just looked at the floor, heard someone called for me, "Guanlin! " that squeaky voice, Nancy, "what happened, dear? Oh? Where's Yunbi? " acted like she cared about her.

I pushed her aside, she blocked my way. But then I entered the class, Yunbi is here! I rushly went to her seat, "Yunbi! I-I have been—"

"Stop acting like you care, Guanlin, " Somi stopped me, "leave her alone, "

"I need to talk to her, Somi. It's our personal matter," I grabbed Yunbi's arm hard and Somi tried to let go of me along with Sejeong, "Yunbi, please! I need to talk to you! "

"Go away, Guanlin! " Sejeong barked.

"Yunbi! "

"Yah! Linlin! " Baejin and Daehwi dragged me away from them, but I harshly set myself free.

"HAN YUNBI! Please hear me out! " everyone looked at us, whispering to each other, "i didn't...I'm not mad at you! I just wanted to settle things down. But, you just ran off until i couldn't catch you up. I've been looking everywhere for you, but you couldn't been seen. You didn't—"

"Burden you, " she finally speaks up, "what would you gonna do about it? Let everyone know about us? Wait, everyone knew it already, " she said. Everyone went gasped, starting to say that we date, "I-I think I'm okay—"

"No, you're not okay! Yunbi, please. I couldn't let this slide, I really can't. I wanted us to not to break up... " I began to tear up, the first time I cried in front of everyone, "Yunbi.... Please,"

"Let's break up, "

That... Hurtful three powerful words. I went silent, looking at her who had her cold face on like she didn't care. No... No. No. This couldn't be happening.

"That's settled everything, right? " she said.


Late at 10, I walked around the neighborhood. Had been thinking about today. So, was this really over? Was our relationship really over? Was it all an act? I began to cry again silently. Cold air quickly dried my tears. What kind of sin that I did today?

Just when I approached a street lamp, I saw a familiar figure looked at the stars, Yunbi is here. I just stood there, looking at her beautiful face. She had her frown face, blankly stare at the night sky. What would she thought of?

"What did I do today? " she asked herself, "why did I broke up with him? How did this things happened? Because of my selfishness. Haha, no one would like me anyway, " she just laughed it off and smiled. But a tear came out and her smile turned into a frown back again.

Didn't thought of a second, I literally hugged her from behind, placed my chin on her head, "w-what? " she turned around, "Guanlin, what are you doing? " I smiled. I'm glad I could see her one more time. I just shook my head, pulled her closer to me to hug her. I miss her warmth.

"Yunbi, I miss you, " I hugged her tight, didn't wanted to let her go again. I cried once again on her head.

"Hey, I said we broke up, "

"I didn't say yes, " i boldly replied. She tried to push me away, but I was strong enough to hold her tight, "don't "

"No! Let me go! "

"Do you really want this!? Do you!? For the sake of the popularity!? Don't mind those people, Yunbi! " I angered out loud, "You know that I like you so much, " no, this wasn't it, "Yunbi! You've made me sick from yesterday! " no, this wasn't I wanted—

A huge slap from her, "all this time! You've only like me!? I can't believe this! " she stormed as she ran away again, but this time I got her hand and dragged her to a huge tree nearby. I pinned her against the wall, "let me go—" I kissed her one last time.

A long kiss that we have never been through. I took a breath for a second and continued to kiss her. I loosen my grip, automatically she held my head. Then, they slid down to my neck pulled me closer to her. I circled my arms around her small waist, also pulled her closer. She pulled out the kiss, but I held her head to continue.

If this end, when will we do this again? She wanted to end us. And I don't want it to let it happen. I felt my tears came out again, ended our kissing session, "Guanlin, " she called me out, breathe heavily, "I love you so much, " as she hugged me tight by circling my neck. Those five little words meant the world for me.

"I love you too, Yunbi, " I heard she started to sob on my shoulder, "always, " I said.

What are we now?


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