Twenty Nine

529 11 0

Lai Guanlin

I woke up due to the cold air in my bedroom and my phone alarm rang so loud. I groaned out loud, stretched myself in bed. Didn't wasted my time to take my shower first before anyone else. The members were still in their sleep, noticed that it was still 5;30 in the morning.

After I did my morning routine, Daehwi and Woojin came out from their rooms and greeted morning. First, they began to make their own breakfast; toasts and hot chocolate. Due to the deliciously smell of their breakfast, the hungry Jihoon and Seongwoo rushed out of their rooms, "I smell butter toast, "

"Oh wow. I never knew your smell detector has improve lately, " Daehwi bluntly compliment him, made Jihoon's breakfast.

"Thanks, " Jihoon yawned. You better see Jihoon's bed hair habit. His hair was like durian, "Lin, you're up early, "

"I want to take the morning fresh air. I ain't going to miss it. I'll be back before 7, " then, I made my way to the back of the apartment, started to jog on the jogging track. Along the way, the neighbors had greeted morning to me. They were quick witted that they noticed me as in the member of Wanna One, Lai Guanlin. I'm a bit aware of their doing around me. They took some pictures of me jogging here.

I bet the news would spread so quick, and the fans maybe move here as well just for seeing us as their neighbours. I'm okay with that, but if they made any inappropriate things to us, we just have to report it to the securities to keep them away from us. As you know, us celebrities need to have our private lives and we don't want any bad influences towards us that conclude the fans. They could may be ruined our reputation as celebrities.

Anyway, I saw Woojinizer jogged towards me, "Linlin! " he called me out, then did fist bump with me.

"Let's jog together, " I invited him and he gladly accepted. We didn't talked after awhile.

We did had our breakfast this morning, but our stomachs growled. So, we decided to eat anywhere but not far away from our dorm.

We just bought a simple meal, Subway sandwich for each of us. The others didn't know about this and I bet they are craving right now. I mean Wanna One likes to eat as their second new hobby. Eating secretly at bench, a few meters away from the apartment because we didn't wanted to let any of the members see us eating fast foods for breakfast, especially we need to beware of our Jisung eomma.

Quickly finished our sandwiches, headed to our dorm back as the clock almost strikes 7. Sungwoon was the one who opened the door, was already in his school uniform and eating his biscuits. As we entered, we rushed to get change into our school uniforms.


The classes have been so bored. I looked at Yunbi who was super focus to the subject, called the Evil Math. Ugh, how can I focus on studying after recess? I've been craving for food, any food right now. I'm still starving after I ate three butterbread. Those weren't enough for me though.

"Your homeworks would be on page 150 to 154. That's it for today. Thanks, class, " as the teacher went out after we thanked her back in groaning. I guess we have the same feeling of starvingness. Was that even a word?

"Lin, any candy inside your pocket? " Daehwi whined beside me, placed his forehead on his desk.

"No, I don't, " I apologised to him. Somi approached us, hands had hid behind her back, "your queen is here. I'll be with Yunbi, " I excused myself to go to Yunbi's place. She was keeping her math book into her light pink backpack, was about to stand up, but she stopped when she saw at me, "to the locker? "

"Yup, and you? " she stood up from her seat and went to her locker. I followed her from behind, "what? " she asked, didn't even like at me as she was doing her stuffs, "if you're asking about the Sunday date, it's a yes, " my eyes went twinkle.

Adore Her ▶워너원 Lai GuanlinOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz