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A hour had passed and your phone was still going crazy, Gerard was flat out but you still lay there listening to the constant buzzing

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A hour had passed and your phone was still going crazy, Gerard was flat out but you still lay there listening to the constant buzzing. Just as your eyes close you hear some loud footsteps, was someone running? Before you could react Frank burst through the door, Causing a tired Gerard to bolt up. You look towards an out of breath frankie with a worried look on his face. "Y/n, theres something you might wanna see" he says.


"OH fuck oh fuck oh fuck" Gerard says pacing the room. You couldn't feel anything, all you could feel was numb. You felt cold, only the warmth of the tears made you feel something. Turns out the buzzing was the result from zara finding out somehow you were dating Gerard and then spreading it.

Frank had left the room and was currently explaining everything to your brother and your mum with mikey, leaving you and Gerard to take it in.

"Right y/n" Gerard starts as he kneels infront of you. "i got a teacher meeting tomorrow and I'm going to sort this alright?" he wipes my face "don't worry you're eighteen now" he smiles. You lean forward and hug him. it will be okay...


Gees pov

I wake up to y/n asleep on my chest the door was open, presumably from last night. I slowly nudge y/n off, trying not to wake her I get dressed quickly and make my way out the door and down the stairs. I make my way to the door but get stopped. "morning Gerard" y/n mum calls. I turn around to see her sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. "hey...." I say awkwardly "cathy love want some coffee?"(i forgot the mums name so...cathy.. 😂) she asks "I'm good thanks" I smile "so where you going?" she asks "i got a meeting but ill be back in a hour or two, I just have to settle this issue" And settle it I shall..........

I think for 1k i might do a face reveal?? Opinion?

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