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YALL i procrastinated so much we nearly have 3k and the last chapter we hit 2 k. Sorry guys have this long chapter as a sorry and enjoy

"YOU WHAT?!" i scream getting up and rushing over to gerard taking the papers out his hand. "Is it okay?" He laughs taking his coat off "this is amazing gee" you squeal hugging him. "Guys this is amazing, think about it. You've got a house and a family now!" Frank exclaims.


"Now your sure you have everything y/n" your mum asks for the umptenth time. "Yes mum really, we're gonna be fine" you smile putting the boxes on the kitchen counter. "So this is it.." she says looking around "im gonna miss you y/n" she adds tearing up. "Yeah i will too" says Phil walking into the house with gerard in toe holding a sleeping tyler.

"Right" you mum pipes up " lets get little tys room done then we'll leave ya too it"


Random pov

After a few hours after unpacking, tylers room was finished. And after phil and their mum left, Leaving Gerard and y/n alone.

--------skip too now december-------

Y/n pov

After taking tyler for his 5 month weigh in, you decide to take a little shopping trip for christmas.

Looking around nothing caught your eye for gerard apart from a huge art set. You had noticed over the month the doodles and scrap papers with doodles on them. They were pretty good to be fair, so maybe gerard could get something out of it either when hes got free periods or after tys gone too bed.

After shopping you decide to go visit your mum and Phil so you walk to the house pushing Tyler along with him gurgling and playing with his blanket. Over the months hes definatley gained charicteristics from both myself and gerard. He has the same intrest length as myself so he gets bored of toys easily but he does love playing with the toy piano frank got him. So thats more gees musical side.

Finally arriving at the house you decide to knock rather than walk in. The door is opened to show your mom with a apron on and flour all over her. "Y/N" she squeals hugging you "and hello little ty" she adds tickling Tyler, gaining a little giggle from him. "Come in there's someone here you might wanna see" she smiles ushering you in. You go in and take Tyler out his pushchair leaving it out of the way in the hall way and make your way into the lounge.

You spot phil talking to someone. You couldnt figure out who it was as they had their back turned away from you. Phil spots you and smiles "y/n hey?!" He smiles getting up and rushes over stealing tyler from my grip and starts to try make ty laugh. The man turns around to reveal someone who you hadnt seen in a while. Dan. "Hi y/n" he smiles standing up "dan hey how have you been ive missed you so much" you smile embracing him. "Ive been good you on the other hand have alot of explaining to do, whos kid you looking after?" he laughs "oh well um thats" "my nephew" phil says smiling "Wow y/n congrats he is quite cute" he smiles as phil walks over holding tyler. Dan does a awkward wave as tyler reaches out and goes towards dan making demanding noises. Phil looks at me in a asking manner so i nod. Phil passes tyler to dan, which causes dan to look a tad startled. "Um y/n-" dan starts "dan its fine he likes you" you smile.

The new chapter (Gerard way x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora