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Gees pov

Y/n left. Now I cant go after her. I spend a solid half hour trying to text y/n but i got no reply. After a while I decided to call y/n's mum. Finally after getting though they told me to come collect her and talk to her since she was a mess.

Le time skip of a month cuz it's the only way out of writers block

Your pov

You lay on your bed listening to Tyler's little noises as you try to motivate yourself to get up. Gerard had already left and had said if I was bored I could go into the school with Tyler since many of his classes asked about Tyler a lot. So you decided to do exactly that. You got up and dressed before awakening Tyler. You take him downstairs feed him and head out to the school after giving gee a quick call.

In the car you listened to music humming along to some songs with Tyler giggling beside you in his seat. You pull up to the school and take Tyler out and carry him on a baby carry on and enter the reception.

"Hi miss Williams"  you say causing her to look up. "Oh my god y/n?" She says in disbelief "who's that little guy" she asks point to Tyler. You put his carry on, on the desk "this is my baby boy Tyler" you smile. She smiles and coos at Tyler before giving you a visitor badge and letting you go.

you make your way down the hall way in-between periods to avoid havoc or hurting Tyler. just as you reach gees room the bell goes off and tons of teenagers pile out of the classrooms into the halls restricting you to stand against a wall. As soon as the door way was empty you walk into gees classroom to see him talking to a male student. you stand away but listen "if they do that again anytime of day come to my room okay? I know how you feel so just come up anytime" gee smiles and pats the kids back "now get to your next class" gee looks over at you as the boy also looks at you and back at gee "is this your son and girlfriend then?" he smiles doing a little wave to Tyler and earning a giggle back from Tyler "indeed it is "

okay dudes. but we hit 4k in the previous chapter now were 300 reads away from 5k. wow.....im back anyways hope yall missed my meme ass. also logan pauls a bitch

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