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SNAPCHAT- ceilidhisboring

Your pov.

You probably ran faster than you ever had that point, after the news both you and Phil ran downstairs and left asking dan and your mum to look after Tyler. Both you and Phil knew this wouldn't end well before finally arriving at the station. 

you both run up to the desk. "We're here about Gerard Way," you both say in unison trying to catch your breath. "He's currently in cell interrogation (I'm making this us, I know nothing) so you'll have to wait" the lady explains before pointing us to a room with chairs.

You sit nervously in silence before a man in a suit walks out and asks you to answer some questions in privet. You oblige and follow him into an empty meeting room. "Hello again miss im Mr Cobain and I only have a few questions just so if the answers match up then we know, he isn't defending himself from the crime" you nod in response. "So... how did you meet my way"

|-/ TIME SKIP\-|

"Well.. from your answers I think its safe to conclude Mr way was not in the wrong and he shall not be pressed any further." He packs up his papers and walks to the door holding it open for you.

You soon join Phil back in the waiting area as Gerard walks out. You instantly run up and hug him. "Shit I thought I was gonna lose you" you laugh sadly "me too" he wraps his arms around you. 


After you got home, Gerard sat down on your bed head in hands. You soon walk in after putting Tyler down to bed. " I should quit my job," He says blankly. "I mean.. If you want but like what are you gonna do after that?" you ask sitting next to him, putting your head on his shoulder. He moves his hands away from his face. "well, i really wanna do something with the music I've written over the past few months, I'm sure that could become something" he half smiles "well if you think about it, Frank can play guitar and doesn't your friend do that as well" you suggest. He replies with a subtle nod. "ill talk to them later" he says sitting up then turning to you. You lock eyes and just smile. You had never fully looked at them before, the Brown with flecks of gold and green were really beautiful, It made you hope that that's what tylers would end up like that. Slowly you both lean in and lock lips. You felt the same butterflies as you had all that time ago when you both shared your first kiss. Then I guess you could say things got a bit steamy.


The next morning You lay in the bed with your legs intertwined with gerards, your face pressed against his chest. "morning sweet pea" Gerard whispers his voice a little hoarse "morning" you giggle back "whats the time?" gerard asks causing you to check, You wave your arm about your bedside table before it lands on your phone, with one hand you unplug it and bring the phone to your face, whilst gerard moves you up and put his head on your neck before kissing it, causing you to blush as he did so. You turn your phone on and look seeing two missed texts from Mikey and frank, You chose to ignore, glancing at the time before putting your phone down. "its 9 am Tyler wakes up in an hour" you tell him "perfect" was all Gerard said before hovering over you kissing your neck again before lightly sucking on it leaving a mark and smirking at his work, you could tell where this was going and you didn't mind, Just as Gerard started to move himself the doorbell downstairs rang. You open your mouth to say we should answer it but Gerard stops you "if we don't answer it they won't think we're awake" he smirks making you giggle before kissing him. 

Things proceeded with some steamy make-out session and just before anything else could happen the bedroom door was opened and in walked A fully confident frank with Mikey following him "HEY LAZY ARSES GET- HOLY SHIT" Frank stops dead in his tracks causing Mikey to walk into him. Gerard quickly pull the covers over us both and groans "wow was one kid not enough" frank bursts out laughing causing youto go bright red and pull the covers over your face and sigh "well um er i guess" mikey starts before leaving laughing. "right well um... well wait in the car outside, you obviously forgot what we spoke about last night gerard" frank finishes and leaves shutting the door as you hear him giggle to himself. "shit i forgot" gerard says before kissing your cheek and getting up "we were gonna write some stuff and franks dad has a small recording studio and we were gonna work on some stuff sorry babe" you smile at the nickname before sitting up "its fine go do that".

A/N I feel like this bit is dragging so to help me write more I'm skipping a few years to 2008. so it's been 10 years since you met gee.  BASIC INFO; 


Gees pov

Tomorrow was the release of the recorded welcome to the black parade, and honestly, I'm terrified. We'd worked so hard on it and I even spent nights recording the vocals, having to leave y/n and Tyler alone for so long. But if this album was to go well I would use the money on my side to marry y/n, something I've wanted to do for years. 

you're pov

The boys were in new york for the release of their new album and had been for the past week. I would've gone with Tyler but he got sick so I decided id stay and look after him and just watch it on tv with Tyler instead. I check the time 11:45 pm. The rare occasion I had let Tyler stay up. 

We were sat on the couch watching MTV waiting for the announcement to be made and for it to go live. Tyler was cuddled up to my side watching intently "are you excited bud?" I asked, he looks up at me excited and nods. My wish came true. His eyes were just like Gerard. I smile to myself as we continue to watch. My phone starts to ring and I look at the contact, Gerard. I answer (gee is bold your plain)  


hey You excited yet

heck yeah so is Tyler

haha well I'm hoping it goes well only five minutes left

yes me too, oh um when are you back as well??

well by the look of it next week why??

oh, no reason

you sure- oh sorry I've got to go get ready I love you!

I love you too good luck!



The phone hangs up and you look back at the tv, The countdown had already started. You just wish Gerard was coming home tonight. Recently you had been feeling unwell so Jamia had come round to check up on you and suggested a pregnancy test, which you took and then found out you were pregnant. I caused a shock to the system but you gladly accepted it and waited to tell gerard. Which was now longer than you expected. 

"five!" Tyler yells making you laugh "four" you join in "three," you say in unison "two" Tyler jumps "one! AND ITS OUTTT" the host proclaims looking at the tv that was now showing the amount that had been sold. Both you and Tyler watched in fascination as it went up, 99, 100, 150, 300.. It kept going up and up. Now time for the interview. Your phone started to blow up twitter notifications coming in fast. You opened it and looked Retweets of a video you took yesterday of Tyler throwing ducks in your bath, you looked at the replies 


@ferardpetekeyfan4lyfe YES SECOND WAY BABY 

The comments kept coming, shit.

You mute your phone and look back at the tv, to see Gerard and the boys sitting with the host "okay So welcome My chemical romance, Guys congrats on the release of the album over 2000 copies sold as we speak" she speaks They all thank in unison. "so before any questions from us I just want to personally congradulate you gerard" OH shit, Gerard looks at her confused and so do the others "on the anouncement of your second baby" tyler instantly springs up and looks at you confused "yes ty, your gonna have a sibling" you sigh. he smiles and you both watch as Jamia runs into the house "TYLER COVER YOUR EARS FOR A SECOND" he smiles and does so "HOW THE FUCK DOES SHE KNOW" She asks sitting by you "the test was in my video and the fans saw it." you explain and then you hear gerards laugh on the tv "well, um thanks, to be honest, I actually didn't know but thanks" well shit

A/N---OKAY even though we hit 9k so THANKS FOR 9K have a long ass chapter but I actually loved writing this chapter I wasn't gonna do a time skip but yeah. 

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