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your pov

The next few days were slightly tiring. Three days ago you gave birth, two days ago you were realised from the hospital, yesterday he came home.

The first night was a struggle seeing as you and gerard wernt together. He had to go to another meeting, leaving you with Tyler. Mum and Phil had flown out too England again to visit friends and family. You didnt tell your mum you had tyler since you argued with her to get her to go back in the first place. So it was just you and a cuddled up Tyler sleeping blissfully on my stomach as i watched TV and also browsed the Internet for the perfect graduation outfit.

Seeing as i had taken my final exam, i had a month off school until the graduation. (I know its off but shh im bored lol)

My phone randomly started buzzing. Curious, i picked up my phone.

Frankie: yo where have you been everything alright?

Shit we never told him...

Me: yeah, um wanna come over??

Frankie: sure be there in five x

Now for the shit but okay reveal....

Sorry this ones so short guys. Turns out im havent got a cold... i have to take medication and shit now and sometimes im trying not to bleed everywhere so chapters are gonna be hard... anyway im bored so leave your either ideas or questions..


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