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Exam day. Final exam. I can do this. So can you spud.

"Y/n do you really want to do this exam your due date is this week...anything could happen." Gerard said hugging me in bed. "I know but i need it to finish school" i smile kissing his forehead. "Okay....just im moderating it so if you feel uncomfortable then tell me okay love?" He says concerned "yes gee" you giggle getting up.

Exam time... okay. Through out the morning baby was kicking alot but you decided not to tell gerard since it was usual for them to kick.

Stepping into the hall a sense of fear overcomes me, i chose to push it aside, finish it and get out.


Last question, finally. Simple question.

How many states are in America?

50 [  ]
51[  ]
52[  ]
53[  ]
54[  ]

Simple enough you tick one.

50 [  ]
51[  ]
53[  ]
54[  ]

Just as you close the paper you feel a warmth, down there. You look down and see a wet mark. Did i piss myself?! Oh god. No.... You feel all the blood rush from your face.

You look up at gerard to see him marking some papers in silence. How can i get his attention. Quickly you clear your throat. His head soon shoots up and looks around till he locks eyes with you. You signal down with your eyes. His eyes follow your gaze until he realises. Your water broke.

Im back yay... sorry? Yeahhh. Sorry im dying. Um yeah so we hit 1.45 k today wow love u guys sm rn thank you for your support.

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