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gees pov

Obviously my heart stopped, but now I'm thinking a lot. I mean its gonna happen sometime soon, be it today or in a few years, it will happen. I mean with tyler, we've thought more and more about us.

I look up to see y/n blushing and the entire class on the edge of their seats waiting eagerly for an answer. "honestly, this woman is someone I want to spend my entire life with and she has already given me so much happiness and probably the best gift of all, our son. So I would someday maybe not now seeing as we've just had tyler and moneys gonna be tight but I think maybe in the future?" I look back at y/n to see her nodding and smiling.

soon the bell goes and the class leaves and that leaves Tyler, y/n and i.

Your pov

You cant help but notice gee does seem a little zoned out after that one question. But soon my visiting time at the school ends and i go home. Before i get in the car my phone rings and its phil. I answer.

"Hey y/n..." phil starts sounding worried or upset. "Hey philly everything alright?" You ask "yeah, yeah can you um come round real quick?" He asks. You reply "yeah ill be round in a few" you hang up and put tyler in the car and go back to the old house.

I wonder what he wants??

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