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You soon arrive at the house and get out of the car, taking tyler out of his seat and and carring him into the house, to be greeted by dan. "Oh hey? When did you get here?" You ask curious "uh the other day phils upstairs waiting of you. Do you want me to look after tyler?" He asks. You nod and pass tyler to him before heading upstairs.

You stand infront of phils bedroom door and knock "come in" is heard and you walk in to see phil sitting on his bed. "Hey" you smile "hi" he says anxiously. You sit next to him on the bed and look at him "so what did you want to talk about??" You ask letting off a small smile.

"Well...promise me your view on me wont change" you nod slowly "im gay.." he tears up a bit. Causing you to instantly pull him into a hug as you tear up. "How long have you known?" you ask. "Since i met a guy.... he really opened up my eyes" he smirks, obviously thinking about the guy.

Then the thought hits you. "Dan?" Phil looks up at yoy "how'd you know?" He lets out a little laugh. "Sisters secret knowledge, anyway its cute how long has it been going on?" You ask smiling acting like a girl at a sleepover ready for gossip. "Um nearly 2 years" you smile "aw well im happy for you philly" you smile as your phone goes off. You look at it to hear your ringtone louder "do you mind?" You look at phil "no no.go answer it "

You answer. "Hello?" You answer "is this miss lester??" A formal voice asks "yes, this is she. How may i help you?" You ask curious. "Oh good, hello this is the state of new jersey police, we were calling regarding your relationship with Mr Gerard Way" you feel a lump gain in your throat.

"Yes?" You ask tearing up a little bit. "He has recently been reported for his actions. And in currently under our care, In the station. " the voice adds. "Why? He hasnt done anything wrong" you raise your voice. "Aslong as we're concerned miss, hes had illegal contact with a student" they finish "that was nearly two years ago!" You argue "mam' a trial shall be held in three days to determine whats is happening. Goodbye" and with that the line goes dead.

You look at phil who was holding a confused expression. "Gerard has been arrested".

Thank you for 8k. 2k away from 10 whoop whoop. Hope i tricked yall sayin phan wasnt gonna happen hehe.

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