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Fair to say i had never seen gerard rush or even run for that matter. The bell went signaling the end as gerard got another teacher and ran over helping me up and out of the room.

There was the occasional cramp and contraction as you got closer and closer too meeting your baby, hearing their cry. But your focus was more on gerard. He was sweating, with one hand holding your on the gear stick and the other on the wheel.

Your closest hospital was a hour away so the sun was setting and you were running out of time. But thankfully Gerard was pulling up and frantically trying to help you out and call mikey, phil and your mum. He was trying his best.
(Slight trigger it is for me so idk about you guys it Happend personally so just a warning)

Random person pov

Y/n then proceeded to spend a dangerous 8 hour labour. Pushing, crying, sweating and hand breaking. But soon all fell quiet after one final push finished it all.

Y/n pov

A sudden weight dropped. Leaving me breathless and tired. The hope of crying sounds i once had were crushed... looking up at the white room you see nurses and doctors rushing "get him to the icu" one said "he isn't breathing" said the next rushing out the room. Leaving a doctor, you, gerard and a hope your baby would survive.

Moments had passes since the nurses chilling words were spoke.

"I believe you know your baby was premature by four weeks. And this has effected him currently, his lungs are weak, blood sugar low and his heart is going either too fast or too slow no in between"

Those words haunted you. You needed your little boy, you needed Tyler....

Okay guys we hit 1.50k when im writing this and honestly this chapters gonna be a long one. Sorry for this. But i was actually wanting to call the baby Juan so Juan way only... kill me.

You and gerard just lay in the room for four days worrying about your first born. Was this the end of our family. He hadn't cried yet and thats was put you off.


Gees pov.

Y/n had dozed off on my shoulder, first time in a while, leaving me to wonder. Tyler will make it, even though he's a way he's still a Lester and the lester's are the most strong hearted people I've ever met. 

My eyes begin to feel droopy as a icu nurse walks in. "He's crying!" She proclaims, waking y/n and causing me to bolt up.


The first time im allowed to see my son. We follow the nurse into a large room, obviously gaining attention as we enter. "His hearts normal Mr and Mrs way. He's crying, gaining his weight and best of all has a equal sugar level! He's truly a fighter" one doctor explains. He sure is...... he sure is...

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