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a/n:  HEY EMUS so, I've noticed I don't write much cuz writer's block is pretty shit, but I'm back I gotta get back into the swing. this chapter is written a month after the interview, mcrs on the black parade tour and y/n is 2 months pregnant and that's it basically cool yeah ill shut up now.

i also am busting out my parents laptop as mines dying so if you guys would like to help me please go to my gofundme.



Jamia had decided to take me out whilst Tyler was staying at his friend's house to just give us a break. I was in no mood for talk and I was unpleasantly surprised to find Jamia trying to find out why.

"y/n" she said, and sipped her coffee. She was wearing cut-off jeans that had bizarre, frantic designs drawn on them in Magic Marker and a spandex top which revealed her intensely aerobicized midriff.
"yeah?" I said, setting my drink down
"You look tired today." she frowned "Thanks." i laugh, zoning out. "missing gee much?" she asks setting her drink down, I looked away from the cup and up at her. "What?", " do you miss gee?" she asks again.  i look down and frown a little "like hell.."


I sit cold and tired with a sick Tyler curled into my side after he came back he had gotten sick almost instantaneously. The bump had already started to show, but this time I didn't have to hide it from anyone. I had started to feel like nothing else would surprise me at this point but oh boy was I wrong.

Jamia barges through the front door smiling, but also in tears. I look at her confused and look at her hands noticing she was holding something. 

I squint to work out what it is but as she comes closer I soon realise what it is. A pregnancy test.


im sorry this is so short i dont have a working laptop so once again guys please spread the word and help a fellow emo.


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