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I haven't seen my husband so far and I haven't gotten the chance to inform dad about my so called wedding which was I don't know the fudge ducks when

"What the heck Kaye are you even there?"

Lexa has been worried sick as my mental state has been not around lately and I've been thinking things through still unsure of my decision.

Was it worth it?

I was not a widow anymore, especially being married to the devil himself.

And you think he's hot AF. Dont ya?

There was no use arguing with the truth and behold i was flushed red and Lexa was snapping me out of my thoughts

"Babe, imma punch you to bring you back to reality if needed. Who are you drooling over?"

It was clearly laced with her playful tone reaching it's curiousity I couldn't tell her since smart me didn't ask our husband's full name that is.

"First of all I am not drooling and second of all i'll tell you some time what's going on my mind"

That was all I said as I went to te lounge where we had our break for the shift and me with lexa had been the greatest teamwork in the restaurant history

We named ourselves, or more like ranked, yes?

"You better spill the deets or I'm hiring an investigator"

"Well to start off, I met him while I cried my thoughts out in the park-"


i rolled my eyes at her exaggerated expression, always a drama queen and for that I was proud I have her since we treasured each other despite our traits.

"Ok resume"

She gestured making me roll my eyes once more and she smiled cheekily

I swear her hormones are like a pregnant one's

"He asked for my name-"

"That went 0-100 real quick"

"Will you let me finish?"

I wanted to tape her mouth with the tape laid down on the table especially duct tape and her eyes widened as she took the tape immediately as I eyed it.

"What did he look like?"

"He had this light brown hair with this dark brown eyes"

She seemed deep in thought after that said and she was looking like she saw a ghost or some sh*t

"Did you guys meet?"

"Yeah we did for a few days and last two days ago was it? We had a heated kiss..."

She squealed but stopped for after some time as she registered the event that I had told her.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It slipped out of my mind?"

It was more of a question than a statement and she had her face sideways.

"Last night he told me that he needed a wife and that I was perfect and offered me a deal."

She stilled making me worry for my bestfriend and she eyed me like she was scanning for something she couldn't find.

"D-did you ask his name by chance?"

"Hmm- oh I remember it was Jin!"

I smiled as the satisfying name rolled out of my tongue making me smile at the lingering thoughts he has left me with.

She coughed loudly making me look at her in confusion as she looked around panicking and scrambling as she held her knees tightly and sweating.

"It couldnt be right?"

"What do you mean?"

She ran out of the lounge and I could sense that she didn't want me to follow her since the aura left was a mystery to me.

It couldn't be, bro wouldn't do this.

But at the same time I couldn't blame my brother since he didn't know anything about me and Kaye she was innocent while I was tainted.

Gladly I had someone who accepted my tainted side and thankfully he still does

Back to the topic rising Kaye isn't gonna end up well when she accepts the offer fully making me nervous as f*ck since enemies would be after her and the heir if they planned sooner.

Kaye in blood? Over my dead body.

I'd never let an innocent soul be tainted with black and imaginig her face paled with horror and betrayal when she sees me in the mafia scares me.

I went outside to cool down but that wasn't enough I ran to my car and started the engine as it roared I headed for the head quarters

As I arrived I went for the building a little far from the headquarters since the headquarters was for business and the building far from it was for us, the home.

In total this place was transformed with 3 buildings, one for the H.Q, another for the major members and another for the minor ranked members.

This is stressing me out

I went for my room and spotted Hoseok laying there with a book in his hands almost god like

God have mercy on my soul as I touch this light that you've brought down to me.

"Jagi why aren't you at work?"


He pouted automatically and I felt kinda bad for worrying him all over again.

"Don't worry it's just from work"


I hated lying to my soon to be husband but he was also stressed from the mafia work and I didnt want to be a burden.

"I can see through your lies Lexa"

He calls me by my name every time he warns me sometimes in a playful way *wink wonk* and a serious way but I can tell he is serious right now


"English please"

He chuckled at my attempt to say a simple sentence and I blushed.

"I think my brother is engaged to my bestfriend"

"Maybe you're assuming?"

"Maybe or maybe not"

I calmed down and rested on his shoulders as his hands massaged my hands in circles calming me down and letting me stare into emptiness

"You promise me you will never lie again ok?"

He stared at me right in the eyes as if asking for a direct answer and I was gonna give it to him

"Or what"

"Or daddy might punish you"

He chuckled playfully as I blushed red but I saw it coming and it had to be played fair and square

"Mmm, mommy would like that"

I straddled his hips and encircled my arms around his neck and wrapped my fist on his hair earning a groan of satisfaction but the fun didnt last as I got off him and rolled to the side of the bed

"Wooh I am tired"

I faked a yawn and he rolled to my side

"Not funny jagi, and now I am heading for a cold shower"

He got up and I heard the bathroom door open and close making me giggle in response as I heard a frustrated Hoseok inside the bathroom

One point for Lexa

As I was about to sleep I felt bad for leaving Kaye behind she might worry before I slip into the dark abyss.

The Devil's Deal K.SJ Where stories live. Discover now