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I was doing paperwork when she decided to come in and I didn't need to look at her after she said she'll rest but I find her sleeping state too adorable and her was angelic.

I was trying to finish more of the paperwork so we can take this to the bedroom *wink wonk* and cuddle *lenny face* sometimes I find being a mafia leader so hard but my every blood sweat and tears, my cold breath, take it all just not my hardwork.

(A: that BS&T reference *coughs*)

Just as I finished my last paper someone knocks loudly and I panicked looking at Kaye, thankfully she was sleeping but she stirred a little bit making me relieved and whoever knocked came in and I glared at Kookie who was unaware of the beast sleeping.

"Ah hyung! Someone left another note- oh shit"

I shushed him and he quickly covered his mouth and looked at Kaye and me who was already killing him in my state.


I pulled the other note that was placed on my table the letter that was neatly folded and put in an envelope, I hadn't opened it yet and I kept forgetting since so many paperwork needed to be done, I intended to read it later but Kookie barged in and said another note was delivered

What does Namjoon want right now?

"Hyung this time it's with dried blood"

He handed me an envelope which was covered half with blood and the envelope had another thing inside it, I slammed my fist against the table and saw that it was Kaye when she was shopping the other day.


She woke up to the loud thud of my fist against the table and looked around possibly looking for the reason of the loud sound but when she found Kookie and me standing there she raised an eyebrow and she patted her hair down.

No one hurts what's mine.

"What happened?"

"It's better if you wouldn't know"


"Come here woman and stop questioning me before I show kookie how you're mine"

She blushed and Kookie was standing there cooly before raising an eyebrow at me and I smirked he put his hands up and fake vomitted.

Kaye stood beside me as I sat down and she saw on my table a dent that made her gasp and she looked at my reddening fist that I used to punch the table and she shook.

"Your hand!"

"Don't worry bout' it Kaye"


I sighed loudly and she shut up I gestured for her to sit down and she also wrapped her arms around my neck and nestled her face to the crook of my neck, making me relax.

"Wow hyung the duality"

I glared at him and again he raised his hands and I shoo'ed him away so we could have silence and privacy.

"Don't stress too much"

Her voice was strained with concern and worry making me lift her chin up and make her look at me in the eyes

"No matter what this is I can go through this"

Lies. I can't survive hardships without my little angel

I tried not showing her my weak side so she'll depend on me, hopefully she'll look at me and tell me someday about her life but I know we have a huge way to go.

"You know sometimes I feel like everything is happening too fast"

She looked up to me on her own and she smiled showing her beautiful smile that i've also come to fall inlove with.

"Maybe it is"

I smiled back at her and she snuggled into my chest and she spoke-

"What was all the big bad mafia leader with that man a while ago?"

"I was just stressed and I can show him how much I love you"

The words just slipped off of my mouth making me look away and she had her head raised and eyebrows together

"You love me?"

"I didn't mean to say it now-"


"No Kaye, say it when you're ready not when you're rushed"

She nodded and I sighed thankfully she didn't run for the hills or whatever girls say when they're scared.

She sooner moved on and excused herself to eat something making me miss the comfort of her figure sitting on my lap and her scent faintly lingering in my office.

I opened the first note and behold, I remember this writing perfectly

Dear Hyung,
You may have my leaders right now and to be honest I am amazed they're one of my strong fighters and you have them within a snap of your fingers, still going strong are we? Just wanna check around hyung, be careful


I was confused because why would he suddenly want to check in and see how's things are going and I know this vibe the letter is creating is nothing more than good and surely the second one will do no good.

Carefully opening the second letter I've found with Kaye's picture another short letter has been left.

I know by now that you are reading this you must've already broken something nearby you, I am flattered to be the cause of something you've done, have you seen the picture? She's beautiful ain't she? A true princess to be clear he hair is just perfectly hanging and her petite figure can carry my pups and we'll live a happy life sooner or later I'll be taking her.


I felt my jaw clenching at the thought of someone making what's mine as theirs and he is definitely asking for something to come his way as always finding trouble.

Kaye sauntered her way in and she was walking closer and she definitely sensed the heavy air as she smiled at me then rubbed tiny circles on my chest and back, whispering 'it'll get better' to me as I inhaled then exhaled

He'll get what's coming his way 'sooner or later'

It's a fair war whenever he is ready

The Devil's Deal K.SJ Where stories live. Discover now