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3 Monthe later~
The doctors said that my due would be next week and gosh I feel heavy for a woman and the baby that is inside me is making me so excited~

What if it's a girl? A boy? Doesn't matter bless me with a life of a child then everything will be alright and I'll be happy, I'm sure Jin would too.

I kept tapping on my phone, playing Edge Of The Sky and I swear the characters are hot as hell and I almost went bald when they left me on a cliffhanger and I could almsot throw my phone but Jin might call anytime or I might call him.

Where is Jin? He's on the other mafia territory more specifically is with Taehyung which was an hour away from me and he told me to keep calm when something happens and I'm sure Jin is the one who is nervous and worried for my life.

Suddenly I felt water on my legs and when I stood up that's when it clicked into mind.


I dialed Jin's number and he immediately answered with a 'hello'

"You fucktard get here right now"

"What happened?"

I was losing patience but then pain hit me hard and I screamed at the phone from all the pain that is being inflicted on me, i could hear cursewords from Jin on the other side.

"Get here and take me to the damn hospital, YOUR CHILD IS COMING OUT OF MY FUCKING VAGINA"

i screamed and maids and the driver came in the living room just when I ended the call and I signaled them to take me to the hospital, gladly Dahyun was there to understand quickly then instruct every helper.

As I was being accompanied to the car I heard her yell for my name and when I looked she told me

"I'll send the baby's bag to the hospital and inform King"

I nodded weakly and went inside the car and believe me when I sat down I almost broke the window of the damned car when I felt the pain.

"FUCK make the trip faster will you?!"

The driver nodded and I can see he was young and scared also but the baby is coming and I couldn't risk an unsafe birth for the baby.

Once we arrive I held myself and nurses and a doctor helped me get to an assigned room, they put a blanket around me and teared the leggings apart telling me that I'm doing great from keeping calm.

"Where is she?!"

Jin's voice echoed through the hallways and I screamed back making him barge in through the door with a mad face and when he saw me laying there in pain he ran to my side and held my hand.

"Everything is gonna be fine-"

"No shit Mr.kim!A baby is about to pop out of my vagina!"

He looks taken aback by my response but continued to caress my hand

"I wont let you touch me after this you devil!"

"Love don't say that-"

"Push Mrs.Kim"

The doctor said and I did as said so and I could feel pain and all spread through my body leaving me to almost cry.

Minutes later

"One last push!"

The doctor said and when I did I heard a baby cry and the nurse took the baby from the doctor's hands when she whispered 'it's a girl!' but when I was about to lay back and relax another pain came in

"What the fuck?!"

I squeezed Jin's hand and he looks surprised to when I yelled so he eyed the doctor to tell him what the fudge was going on.

"Another one is on the way?"


"Get ready ma'am"

I heaved another breath and pushed with all my might..

Another bunch of amazing hours..
"Congrats Mr and Mrs.kim for the twins"

The female doctor went out and left us some alone time with our kids and then someone came in- all of them came in especially dad.


I smiled and let him see the babies and he cried

"A beautiful girl- OH"

he was surprised when he saw Jin carrying another baby.


"Yes dad, I don't recall having twins in our bloodline"

"I used to have a twin"

He emphasized the word use and I looked down and felt sorrow and sad for dad's loss.

"But these two will make a bundle of happiness for us"

I nodded and Jae and Lisa came next to me while the boys sat at the couch on the corner watching the three of us hug and I gave the both of them the twins

"They look so gorgeous"

"They took after their parents"

Lisa and Jae cried while I rolled my eyes, always a drama queen.

"So what will you name them?"


"Alyxandria Kim is all I have in mind for the baby girl, I chose jin to name after the boy"


He pointed at himself and I slowly nodded feeling tired I waved at him to go on and he stuttered.

"Zandrick Kim?"

I smiled at him weakly and fely my eyes close but before I fell asleep one thing echoed to my mind and it was Jin's voice.

Sleep love, when you wake up I'll ready a surprise for you...

The Devil's Deal K.SJ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang