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I couldn't believe what I was seeing at the moment, having this hidden from me was a little bit disturbing but I knew why he had to do that, to avoid my mental breakdown, I was too scared and I feel like everything went crashing down when I saw my picture beneath it, it was like I became paranoid by a matter of seconds I walked towards Jin's office and I looked dead.

He grumbled answering the door but his eyes widened when he saw me and more when he saw me holding the letter and that's when I completely broke down like I just wanted earth to swallow me, I felt scared for a reason one, I don't feel like everything will be ok, two I don't know what this 'Joonie' will do to me once he succeeds

"K-kaye i'm so sorry"

"T-they'll come f-for me"

I sobbed continously feeling the fabric of Jin's shirt wet and I pulled away not wanting to be a burden to him everyday

"They'll heads will be cut off before they even lay one hand at you"

I knew he was also nervous and afraid just by his uneven breathing about the topic made him worried.

I nodded and tried to smile but it only came up as a frown so i didn't bother trying another one.

"Kaye you need to rest"

As if on cue I laid my head on his shoulders and let the dark invade my mind and body.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I woke up to another empty bed and I sighed in frustration I had woken up to a headache making me clutch my head and I almost made screamed out loud but luckily I didn't.

"I'm sorry if this is too much to process"

I didn't even notice Jin staring at me the whole time from the chair at the edge of the bed and I almost jumped out of bed but it didn't make him laugh this time

"Why don't you just give me to them?"

He stiffened at my question, I was an ordinary girl with an supposedly ordinary life which was stripped off from me as I became a man's woman.

"Don't you get it?"

I looked up to see him fuming and he stood up almost like he wanted to freshen up but I destroyed his mood he looked like he wanted to punch the wall that it'll break, imagine imaginary smoke coming out of Jin's ears that is what he looks like right now.

"Get what?"

"You. Are. Mine"

I bowed my head for respect but he made me look at him

"Say it"

"I am yours"

I wanted to jump for joy because he accepted me and I accepted him..

It was like everything was complete but also complicated at the same time it all came clashing down and we had to suffer it all for our love.

Since when did I start using love?

I was confused when I saw him nowhere

Had I spaced out too much?

Was it really worth it staying here? was I that important to him? I didn't want to risk his life just because of me, I was never a valuable thing until this whole mess came to my life, I was just the usual girl who has hardships in her life and now I'm creating a mess

I'm a mess

I lowered my head placing and hugged my knees I was alone in his office, I have this weird feeling that something good isn't gonna happen anytime soon.

Just as I was sucked into my own thoughts a 'ting' was heard from my phone, come to think of it I didn't use it often because I had no one to contact and never did anyone felt the urge to contact me.

Unknown Number.

I was shaking but I answered the call otherwise, call me stupid for answering an unknown call but I screamed after hearing the scariest things said to me.

"I'll come for you now my little princess"

It was a deep man's voice and after that I threw my phone straight to the wall and I heard numerous thumpings of feet and my heart beat increased i almost felt like it would explode anytime right now, the door was opened loudly and it almost broke and entered a panicked Jin who had Hobi and Kookie with them which were also having worried expressions etched on their faces

I pointed the little bits of my phones and seemingly they didn't get the message so I uttered slow clear words that made him furious.

"He called me"

Jin whispered 'Joonie' to the boys who didn't know who he was and Hobi's hands were balled into fists, they were stressed and troubled

"You'll be safe with us"

"I'll just surrender myself it's for the better-"

"Cut the 'i'm the cost of everything just dont worry' bullshit! We all know you're gonna be dangered once they caught you!"

He screamed loudly making me submiy and cower in fear, I saw Kookie holding Jin's shoulders calming him down and whispering something so he looked at me and his eyes showed regret, concern and trouble.

"I'm sorry"

I didn't answer and crawled myself outside I don't know why but I'm confused and struggling to keep up witg everything while the boys were left inside the office discussing things which I never bothered to listen to it since I was stuck in my own world.

Was I meant to be a mess?

I was sitting down the stairs but all of a sudden someone grabbed me by the neck and put a choke hold on me then put a handkerchief to my nose I tried not to breathe but he-

"It'll be over soon just breathe and everything will be solved"

When he said solved I thought about Jin and how he would be in difficult danger if I kept on struggling with this man so I gave in.

"You're doing good princess or should I say queen"

With that my body created a thud, everything went black

The Devil's Deal K.SJ Where stories live. Discover now