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It has been almost a month when everything happened…

Lexa's betrayal, my newly mended relationship with Jin and all sorts of casualties and unknown events.

I was eating my bowl of cereal when Jin walked in and he had this black suit hugging every part of his muscles and he rushed to me and kissed me almost taking my cereal away from me.

"I missed you"

He breathed out and I ruffled his hair and boy did he look yummy, I'd rather eat him now and not my cereal but of course dear readers of my story, author-nim wouldn't really like me showing you how exotic and freaky our bed scene can be *wink wonk*

(A: coughing)

"I missed you more"

"But I miss you the most"

"But I missed you more than you can miss me"

"But I miss you a thousand more times that how you miss me"

We were interrupted by five boys coming in and they were smiling and they hugged each one, well a manly hug

"Hyung I can hear your cutesy voices outside"

Jungkook shook his head laughing while I buried my face on the sofa pillow.

Then Jin introduced me to his friends and allies which he also explained why Jungkook and Hobi stuck by his side even though they could've created their own mafia empire's

One with the minty hair color was, Yoongi.

The one with the also ash colored grey hair was Taehyung.

The blondie was Jimin

the fiery red hair was my brother and Jungkook of course has his usual black hair.

"So hello Kaye"

Taehyung did a derp face and made me laugh also causing everyone to laugh except Yoongi, he looked all too serious and scary.

"Hyung I think you're scaring her"

Jimin said to Yoongi as they saw how I looked at him warily and cautiously almost ready to jump out of my seat when he shifted his gaze on me

"Do I?"

The question was directed to me and I couldn't look at him straight in the eyes, he looked like he could kill me in one swift motion.


Wow Kaye, stuttering then a question mark? Totally not a good sign for him and he raised an eyebrow


He mumbled and looked away to inspect every bit of Jin's mansion then he looked at jin

"I'll be sleeping on the guest room"

Jin nodded and he left without saying any word and the 5 boys who are with me have looked at the stairs Yoongi used and looked at me.

"Sorry about that hyung, he'll warm up to you"

"I hope so"

Maybe trying to be with a friendship with Yoongi wasn't oh-so bad and I hope he'll see me as a friend when I try but not now, I'll find the right timing and right thing to do.

The boys were playing games while I was in my room laying down and wodnering what the hell can I do today since staying locked up in a mansion wasn't amazing as you think it is.

You can hear the voice of the boys that were playing in the other room, some cheering and singing they seem to be so connected to each other that they enjoy one's company and the other does too, how I wish someone would come here and let me enjoy bonding.

The Devil's Deal K.SJ Where stories live. Discover now