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We've been walking for a solid hour and I still haven't cooled down and Jin decided to sit down on a bench.

"I didn't figure out two Jung's were in a house that explains it I should've seen the similarity"

He broke the silence.


"You and Hoseok seemed to be both very active and giddy"

Observant jerk, true to that.

"Observant as always"

Only that I noticed how it affected his ego more and more as I praised him.

"Don't get your hopes up too high young man"

He just smirked at me and I suddenly had the urge to ask one question.

"Why me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you choose me as your wife?"

I waited for his answer and he seemed hesistant to say the sentence

"Well, you are an interesting individual and a mysterious woman apart from that you're different and i like you"

"I like you"

It ringed in my head making me proud and making me more happier than I am.

"So last question.. are you hiding anything in your life?"

He froze.

"I'll tell you when the time comes"

I nodded and he carried me bridal style inside and went straight for the double doors.

"What are you doing?"

"Can't I sleep with my wife?"

Sleep with me?

"W-what?! No i'm still a virgin!"

It came out immediately before I knew it and he stopped in his tracks and he couldn't process it.

"Y-you're a what?"

"A virgin"

I had my head hung low and he lifted my face up

"Honey it's not bad to be one and I'm glad you were waiting but that's not what I meant by sleeping I meant resting you dirty girl"

He playfully smirked and I hit him in his biceps making me feel the flex of his muscles and I blushed

"I'll send you home tomorrow or we'll pack when you know your answer to my offer"

Shit. I still havent answered his question of the living thing.

He left a tshirt and he said it was his and he left for the door

I gulped and nodded as I took off my clothes and only living myself in my undergarments and fitting myself in the tshirt not bothering that I was only in my underwear down below

I looked towards the door because there was a small squeak and I saw Jin and his dark stare.


"Okay i'm sorry i'm sorry"

He raised his arms up in surrender

"You look hot in my clothes gotta admit"

Making me blush more than I was right now.

"Let's head to bed now?"

I didn't protest so I slid under the blankets and he took off his clothes only leaving himself in his boxers so he slide next to me.

The Devil's Deal K.SJ Where stories live. Discover now