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Deep in the dark of the cracking building, the Phantom Troupe sat there.

All of them stayed in an eerie silence while waiting for orders. Not one of them made any effort at all to strike up a conversation. Pretty much the same as usual.

Simply, every single one of them were in their enclosed bubble, ignoring the defer of their mission.

They were practically waiting for their target to make a move.

"Hey, Nobunaga, what time is it?"

"I would imagine it's around seven." The tall man peered up from his katana towards the broken glass window.

"Hmm. Danchou, when will this take place?" Machi asked from the corner of the room. She currently had her nail filer in her right hand; doing her nails. They became a nice natural clear color, along with a nice pointed oval shape making the top.

"Promptly two days from now. I hired an assassin to watch him for the time being. If anything happens, kill him." Chrollo spoke reverently from behind his book. His pale face hid behind the thick book full of pages.

"An assassin? Why so? Aren't we going to be the ones to kill him?" Another - short - raven haired male asked.

"That's the original plan, yes. The only outcome of waiting for so long is how much he may get away with. So that's the big reason as to why I've hired someone to watch over him. If he gets away with the things we want, he'll die in a matter of seconds."

Feitan looked as if he was just a tad bit irritated from the sudden news.

"Fine." His quiet voice spoke. He didn't even add another word after.

Really it is the same as always. Sitting there in complete silence. At least they were in a peaceful quiet.

But out of no where, a cell phone rang.

Presumably Chrollo's.

Everyone's attention faced Chrollo. Their ears wide open, and listening carefully.
The only audible thing really, was the sound of Machi filing her nails. Even that crackling sound died down when her boss started to reply.

"Yes, I understand that." His dark eyes motioned over to each member. "The day is getting pushed back? Do you mind if I ask how long?"

All the Troupe members looked at each other in fear of loosing a good kill. Kalluto took a little peek over to Feitan. He looked more annoyed than before. Then, he looked over to Nobunaga and Machi. She kept a poker face pretty well. It remained on her for the most part. Nobunaga, however, seemed to have this concentrated and confused look on his face.

And once again, another interruption came breaking through the walls of silence and concentration.

"Hah hey! We're back!" Phinks shouted, walking with Shalnark into the room.

"SHHHHH!!!" Everyone's whispers were made out to be a shower of loudness, even though that was not intended at all.

"Oh? What's this all about?" Phinks asked Machi, grabbing a can of soda from the paper bag Shal was holding.

"Danchou is on call with someone important. I think the person he is talking to has something to do with our future kill." She replied in a soft and quiet voice .

Phinks nod his head upward, and opened his mouth into an, "oh" motion.

"Thank you very much. We'll head out right now."

With that last sentence, Chrollo hung up his phone.

"What was that about? What did they want?" Nobunaga asked.

"It was our client. He wants us to meet up with him. Rather, I could alone, but I would prefer to have you all along side of me. Let's go."

Happy Halloween! And yay!!! Another update!
I figured it would be kinda cute for me to give y'all a peek at the Troupe for today's holiday. <3

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