long time no see <3

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hey guys !
i'm not sure if any of my og readers still are reading, but if not that's okay. it's literally been over a year since i've updated so I don't blame them if they're not here anymore, but without them, this story wouldn't have come this far. so thank you guys if you're here, i really, from the bottom of my heart appreciate you guys for all the support and help ily. :,) <3

and as for my newer readers hi and hello and welcome ! you've made it this far and are still asking for updates ! i'm sorry to say that i've been lacking on this story.... but does anybody want an update ? i've re read my chapters and it cringes me out haha and I have definitely grown as a writer so it's odd re reading previous work.

i genuinely do love this story. when i first created this story, i had so much planned out for the ending.... i couldn't wait to get to the ending ! i want to continue it, but i just can't get around to it, so if i ever do, please enjoy and thank you for your time and support ! <3

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