[Chapter 8]

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??? POV

I was on my way to the hospital and visit my bestfriend. We live together in an apartment ever since we were in highschool, through university and until now. But since I've gotten really busy at the company, I had to go overseas for about 3 years. He is like a brother to me since we are both the only male children in our families. Im sure he is busy aswell since he takes care of all those patients.

×ring ring×
"Oh wae?" I said slightly irritated because I don't want to deal with work at the moment.

"Something came up and your Father wants to speak with you." my secretary informed me.

"Oh, arasseo. Can you let him know that I'm meeting my friend and I might be a bit late?"

"How late Sir?"

"Maybe around 10 or 11 pm"

"Ok, Sir I'll let him know"

"Ne, kumawo Jimin-ah" Then with that I ended the call.

Aish! Why is it always wrong timing why?! I fastened my pace so that I can get there and meet him. He might be busy, possibly an emergency.

I was occupied with my thoughts until I was snapped out of it when someone bumped into me. She fell on the floor and dropped her phone. She must've been looking at it while walking. I sighed

"Yah! Watch where you're going!!"

"Mianhaeyo-o Ah-j-ussi..." she stuttered and looked like she was in pain.

I turned around and was about to leave but I saw from the corner of my eye that she was struggling to get up.
I then turned back around and decided to help her out. I don't know who she is but somehow I'm worried and concerned about her like what the heck?
Once I helped her she was able to stand up, so I decided to leave but then she fainted and almost fell to the floor. Luckily I wasn't that far from her and was able to catch her in time.

What is wrong with me..? Why am I helping you..? What is this new feeling Im getting..?

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