[Chapter 35:100th day]

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Joy Pov

Today was the last day for me, luckily enough they found a donor. Though it is heart breaking that it is my closest friend, I'm happy that he was willing to donate his heart to me. Even though he is gone, Im honoured to have a part of him still with me. I was laying in my hospital bed weaker than ever because of the news not too long ago. It was just so recent that it has happened and I had been crying all day, all night. I miss him soo much already. Today was the day of my surgery. I feel weak because of the news and also because Im not sure of the chances about me surviving the surgery. My husband is unable to be with me during the surgery because he has an important business meeting going on. Unfortunately, he won't be coming back for 10 months. Even if Im so weak, Im fighting for him and for my friend. My friend mentioned in his letter that I have to be strong for him. Also I have to be strong for my husband and for our future together since we married young.

"Joy-ssi, it's time for your surgery" a nurse came in and informed me

I nodded and then we proceeded to the operating room. Dr. Jeon was the one incharge of doing my surgery, along with Dr. Kim and Dr. Chae who will be assisting him. After getting prepared, all I remembered was the big bright light above me and shortly after, everything went black.

Dr.Jeon Pov

Today was the day of Joy's surgery. I was a bit nervous because this was my bestfriend's wife. Also I felt really bad about Joy's friend who was her donor. Though Im thankful to him that Joy finally was able to find a donor. Sungjae unfortunately couldn't be here for Joy, because of business things that he had to manage. He'll be gone for 10 months, I hope all goes well for both Sungjae and Joy..

Sungjae Pov

I hope my wife's surgery goes well and I hope she survives. Im so frustrated at the fact that I can't be there for her at this time. I know very well that she needs me to be there for her. I know we got married young and are still learning about the whole marriage thing but I feel like such a failure of a husband to her.. Sooyoung-ah, I hope you do well in your surgery, just know that I love you soo much..Fighting..

>>After the surgery<<

Dr.Jeon Pov


Finally after a few hours or so the surgery was a success. I wanted to tell Sungjae right away but I didn't want to disturb him. I'll just wait until he calls or something. Though it will take awhile for her to recover and get used to it.

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