[Chapter 16]

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The next day was yet again another day of check ups and things. The hospital has gotten a bit stricter with me though. *Sigh*


"Park Joy-ssi, Dr. Jeon wanted me to inform you that for the next few months, you will staying in the hospital." Dr.Jeon's nurse said after checking my blood pressure and other tests.

"May I ask why?"

"Ne, he said things may get worst if you go outside. But if you really have to go outside, he said to stay near and around the hospital."

"Ahh ne, kamsahamnida for letting me know nurse." I said and bowed to her.

" I apologize Joy-ssi, we are just trying to control your heart condition so it doesn't worsen from where it is now.." she bowed and turned around to leave my room.


My eyes started to water just because the things happening to me right now. I stood up from my bed wanting to get some fresh air and go to a park or somewhere but then I remembered what they had told me. So I decided to go to the rooftop, where the balcony is.

"Ahhhh~ Finally some fresh air!~" I said as I felt relaxed and felt better than when I was earlier.

I stretched my arms up like I had just woken up and noticed the view.
The view looked really nice from up there. I leaned a little bit to see it better but since I was a bit short I had to lean a bit more and go on my tip toes to see it.

Just then I heard someone yelling behind me. I couldn't really hear what they were saying because I was amazed and focused on the view.

"Yah! What are you doing?! Are you trying to kill yourself?!" the yelling got closer and it seems like it was right behind me. Just then a hand tapped my shoulder, making me jumped a bit as I turned around and almost falling of the edge.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Nooooo! I don't want to die yet!!!!---" I screamed while flailing my arms around and trying to get back up since half of my body was literally hanging of the edge.

Few moments later I felt my hand being grabbed and wrapped around this person's neck. I don't know who this person is because I was too scared so I had my eyes closed. I also felt a hand on my back and felt like I was being carried off the edge and back to safety.

"Ya, your safe now so you can open your eyes."

I did what I was told and slowly opened my eyes. I was sort of looking down and trying to calm my heart down since I was so scared and my heart was racing.
When I calmed down a bit I noticed he was still carrying me in a bridal style. I slowly looked up and met his eyes. It was that same young man that saved me and took me to the hospital. My heart started racing again, but its not because of fear or anything. But because our faces are only a few inches apart....

♡The 100 days I spent with you♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora