Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

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Chapter 27. Everything good must come to an end. 

Somewhere between Niall's impromptu (not really) dance show and Lady Gaga's Perfect Illusion my heels came off. We've been dancing along to Noelle's playlist for an hour now, and even without high heels, my feet are killing me. 

I leave my hyperactive friends on the dance floor while I go to the snack table to refuel my energy. Right after Harry's insane idea to get everyone to dance, I threw all the fucks I had about loosening up tonight in front of everyone far away and into the sea. At some point I danced with Elon to rockstar by Post Malone and 21 Savage, earning the curious stares of all the elderly people in the room. Followed by the congo line that Louis started after Niall finished his dance show or whatever he thought he was doing for Noelle.  The Man by The Killers earned the trophy tonight thanks to said congo line. Everyone went nuts --it didn't matter if they knew the lyrics or not, since it is Noelle's favorite band she made sure to go all the way, successfully hyping up the whole room. 

Gigi seemed surprised when I rapped or sang along to certain songs, saying that I don't come across as someone who knows about music. I tried not to take offence at her comment, only replying that music was a big constant as I grew up --still is a big part of my life. Of course I didn't mention my mother's background with music, if she knows or doesn't know about Naeema Bähr's multiple records or awards, she didn't give any signs. 

Sitting in the closest chair to the snack table, I look around while munching on a red velvet cupcake while I hold a chocolate donut in my left hand. Considering how I've been eating and drinking on this wedding trip I need to remind myself to resume those yoga lessons with my mother as soon as I get back to Florida. I'm sure she'll be delighted to have me everyday for the next month until I regain my love for running at the crack of dawn. With the amount of work I've had lately, my runs have been cut to 3 times a week rather than everyday except for Sundays. 

As I finish my donut I spot a frazzled looking Elon sprint from one side of the room to the other where the entrance is. I take notice of the tight grip he has on his phone and the low mumbling coming from his mouth, as if trying not to be noticed by anyone he quietly makes his way out. 

I stand up and walk closer to the entrance, an unrequited feeling starts growing in my chest, causing it to tighten and my breathing to get heavier. I watch as Elon's face falls and changes from disbelief to mild anger. He's always been one to hold back on strong emotions. 

"Are you trying to hide your drunkenness by eating cupcakes and donuts?" 

Harry's deep voice distracts me from Elon. In my mind I point out the chirpiness in Harry's voice as he looks at me with those glassy green eyes he's been wearing throughout the night. 

I shake my head and smile, "No! I'm not that drunk," I answer curtly, trying not to sound rude. But my interest lays with Elon and that phone call he's having near the entrance.

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