The Sleepover

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Today Richard nephew Abe was coming around for a sleepover at uncle Richard's and Aunty Megan's house and he was rather excited! He hadn't slept over their house before but Richard had wanted to do something like this since he was born!
A knock at the door and Abe came running in to give Richard a massive hug! Oh they're so adorable thought Megan as Abe came over to say hello.

"You ready to have fun pal?" Asked Richard
"Well I think aunty Megan had a great idea the other day, didn't you darling?"
"Oh you mean about the baking?"
"Baking?" Abe asked excitedly
"Well I wondered if maybe you'd like to bake some gingerbread men today?"
They all ran into the kitchen, washed their hands and put on funny aprons. Rolling up his sleeves Abe got stuck in helping to measure out the ingredients and mix them all together.
"I think it's gonna need a bit more flour Richard"
Richard grabbed the bag and poured a little in whilst Abe was mixing into a dough with his hands. A big puff of flour went all over Richard and Abe as they sprinkled some on the table ready to roll out the dough.
Richard stood behind Abe (who was stood on a stool) and they both used the rolling pin to roll out the dough evenly as Abe wasn't strong enough to do it himself.
Soon they had cut the gingerbread men out and they were baking in the oven.
Next was time to decorate!
"You two stop eating the icing! They're won't be any left for the gingerbread men" Megan laughed
"But it's tasty" laughed Abe
"We can have bald gingerbread men can't we Abe?" Joked Richard
"Well they need to have some clothes"
"Yeah we can't have nudey rudey gingerbread men" said Abe very seriously which caused Richard and Megan to laugh hysterically.
Soon after much more mess the gingerbread men were done and they were washing up.
"How about we have some of the gingerbread men you made and we play a Christmas game?" Suggested Richard.
"Yeah! Can I have the fat one with lots of hair please?" Asked Abe
"Of course sweetheart" said Megan as she passed him the plate with that gingerbread on.
Next they were all sat on the living floor with Christmas songs on playing a Christmas board game where you have to deliver all the presents to all the children to win.
Megan wasn't having much like with the dice, even Abe was beating her! Richard was definitely winning but being the nice uncle he is, let Abe won much to Abe's delight. He spent the next hour rubbing it in Richard's face jokingly about how he couldn't beat him.
"Ohhh I love this song" said Abe as All I want for Christmas is you came on and they all proceeded to dance around the living room to Christmas songs until Megan disappeared to make dinner.

Occasionally Megan would look up to see Richard and Abe playing and play fighting on the carpet. Richard throwing Abe around in the air and twisting him upside down.
He's so good with kids Megan's heart swelled.
Soon dinner was finished and Abe had a bubble bath, giving himself a Santa hat and heard, once again making Richard and Megan laugh.
In the early evening they all got into their pjs and snuggled up on the sofa to watch a Christmas film with snacks.
Megan had made popcorn, there was left over gingerbread men, sweets and hot chocolate!
Abe's eyes went big
"Maybe filling him up with sugar just before bed isn't a good idea" Richard laughed as he kissed Megan's temple as she made the hot chocolate.
"Well darling, who actually sleeps at a sleepover" she retorted.

Abe decided he wanted to watch the Grinch Who Stole Christmas so Richard sat in the middle with his arm around Megan and Abe snuggled up in his lap.
Abe began to get quite sleepy and fell sleep just before the end so Richard carried him up to his bed before coming back downstairs to snuggle with Megan.
Ohhh I can't wait for Christmas!
The next morning, Abe came running into Richard and Megan's bedroom and proceeded to jump onto the bed to wake them both up.
"Morninggggggg" shouted Abe
"Ergh good morning"  said a very sleepy Richard
"Morning Abe honey, did you sleep alright?" Asked Megan and Abe crawled over for morning cuddles.

Soon Megan was cooking breakfast whilst Richard attempted to do Abe's hair. He'd put too much gel in and given him a Danny Zuko styled quiff from grease much to Megan's amusement. Abe's parents were coming in the mid afternoon to pick him up so
Megan made crumpets for everyone for breakfast.
After breakfast everyone played on the Xbox, mario kart, super mario, just dance, and some sport games before everyone had lunch.
Before they knew it there was a knock at the door, signalling it was time for Abe to go home.
"Thank you for having me" said Abe as he hugged Megan goodbye.
"It's alright honey, thank you for coming"
Abe ran over to Richard for a big squeeze before thanking him and he was on his way home.
This Christmas was going to be wonderful thought Megan.

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